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Studying the Grundtvig Compendium for 2006-2007, we have discovered there are fewprojects addressing the problem of family learning. What we propose is the creation ofcertain educational models of parental non-competence in ICT compared to youngperson’s competence, created and implemented with the help of the target group.These models will be developed following the study of good practices existing at aEuropean level in the partner countries, and of the analysis of family learning andespecially through the direct involvement of the target group - families. An analysis oftheir ICT needs will be undertaken at the level of both parents and children with a viewto designing the educational models of parental non-competence in ICT compared toyoung person’s competence. This will improve the key competences of parents in thefield of ICT and offer the young people the opportunity to acquire new abilities in theinteractive and collaborative aspects of the Internet (Web 2.0).The overall objective of the project consists of supporting and motivating thedisadvantaged families with pathways to improve their knowledge and competences inICT (Web 2.0), increasing the role of the family as main vector for society developmentand therefore mobilizing the family members to learn together.The target group consists both of disadvantaged families who don’t have IT knowledgebut also those that possess such knowledge but who will benefit from the advantagesbrought by new technologies. The target group of the project includes all types offamilies: lone parents, families with young children, families with teenage or adultchildren, multi-generational families, etc.The results of the project are:• analysis of good practices and of the actual situation of family learning in Europe• analysis of target group’s needs• educational models of parental non-competence in ICT (Web 2.0) compared to youngperson’s competence• Website• good practices guide.The project will have a significant impact on a European level among the disadvantagedfamilies, because of the up-to-date character of the designed models, but also on othertarget groups, as the project aims at developing products that are transferable andwhich can represent the basis for other studies and educational models.
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