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Basic skills training as strategy for vocational training in companies
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Feb 28, 2019 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The European work life is changing rapidly. Key word is a development from manual production to modern automatized and digitalized production, and a grooving mismatch between vocational education and training (VET) and the labor market.BASIC SKILLS IN WORKING LIFE focuses on the growing gap between industry demand for competencies and skill levels in the workforce. For employees with weak basic skills this development offers particular challenges. The lack of basic skills in reading, writing, arithmetic and ICT make it difficult for especially older workers and workers with low education to undertake the necessary formal training that is needed to avoid exclusion from the labor market. The target groups in BASIC SKILLS IN WORKING LIFE are low skilled workers with a demand for more vocational education and / or certification. In the project, we are specially targeting for companies / branches where the demand for new skills is generated as a result of technological changes and / or new digitalized production methods. BASIC SKILLS IN WORKING LIFE wants to share experiences with other providers, branches and countries in Europe, but also to see if the experience from Norway - in relation to the preparation and implementation of basic skills training as preparation for formal vocational training and certification in companies – is relevant for providers, companies and employees in other European countries.BASIC SKILLS IN WORKING LIFE will provide valuable expertise that can be useful for providers and companies in Europe. One of the main outcomes of our project will be to investigate what factors – both on structural, educational and didactical level - are most important to prepare workers with poor basic skills to be able to obtain a better vocational qualification / certification.BASIC SKILLS IN WORKING LIFE will perform practical training projects in different branches / companies in three of the participating countries. For each project in each country, we will focus on and try out different aspect of the training.

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