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Baltic Culture Wave - Popular Music (Baltic Culture Wave)
Start date: Feb 29, 2012, End date: Sep 29, 2013 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The sector of Popular Music in South Baltic area is characterized by loose structures, project-oriented work and freelance activities. Co-operations are motivated by interest and established through individual networks. To stabilize and institutionalize these structures, a strategic linking of whole regional communities of popular music is useful. Doing this in a cross-border co-operation, as intended by this project, will widen the perspectives of the agents and provide ideas and chances for new and durable co-operations to stabilize the sector. Here, the connection will be made between the cultural communities of Rostock, Gdynia, Klaipeda, Malmö and Sjaelland as relevant coastal centres in South Baltic area with a focus on Popular Music.As this is a cultural sector cross-border co-operations are quite reasonable since the artistic contents and influences are very international. Related cultural events often have an international setting. Popular-music-communities of different nations are interested to co-operate with each other, develop projects and build up networks. To enable such projects properly and durable cross-border programs are needed. The main aims of the cooperation established with this project are an exchange of knowledge and artistic approaches and the establishment of a network for future co-operations that contribute to stabilizing the participating communities. This should be done in two ways:1. by bringing together artists of all participating communities, who exchange knowledge and artistic approaches and who jointly develop and present cultural products. 2. by getting to know, linking and documenting the cultural infrastructure of all participating communities.The implementation of these aims will be primarily reached by two main events that shall take place in Rostock and Gdynia: a cultural event, where cultural products are developed and presented, and a conference, where the cultural institutions will be brought into contact with each other. In preparation of, between and after these events, an active networking between the participating regions will take place. These project activities have exemplary status and, thus, shall be documented for adaptation in other interested regions of the SB area. All partners and interested third parties will be invited to the events where the results of this project are presented, thus, enhancing the network and turning it into a sustainable, even larger cooperation network. As a result, a network for popular music that involves professional and semi-professional musicians as well as cultural institutions (clubs, festivals, radio etc.) that provide related infrastructure will be established as a SB-wide network. To reach this long-term aim of a large SB network, Other relevant cultural communities will be regularly informed about project activities and results. Achievements: The network "Baltic Culture Wave" is founded based on formal agreements by the partners. The website is the main tool of the network and will be used for the purposes of designing projects together and inform each other about clubs, institutions and festivals in the regions - and further regions could partake if they become member of Baltic Culture Wave.During the network agreement two promising project ideas were developed further. Their status is the one of a concrete draft - with formulations regarding partnership, goals of the event and financial framework. The responsible institutions look for promising partners in the long term to develop the project together and be prepared for the EU-strategy and new programms based on the 2014-20 framework.In the matter of artistic networking a second "product" was developed (additionally to the "Harbour Symphony", who was designed 2012 in Rostock). This is the "Harbour Dialogue": artists from different regions bring traditional music material to workshops and develop a concert together - combining musical material from the regions, involving traditional instruments of all regions. With moderation of one of the musicians it was an high class artistic cross-border experience at the lovely beach of Gdynia.

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  • 85%   164 857,50
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants