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Baltic amateur championship in team games (Baltic rally)
Start date: Dec 31, 2011, End date: Nov 29, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

“Baltic rally” aims at integrating and strengthening relations between community amateur athletes from the SB region. The main vehicle to that end is organization of SB sport events in team games. The project participants have chosen volleyball. The reason is that this game is less commercialised than the others e.g. football. It is also typical adult amateur game and the project partners have very positive experience with organising regional volleyball championships in their countries. Volleyball is much more gentle than e.g. football or basketball but still picturesque, due to its inherent dynamics and dramaturgy.Volleyball is trickier than chess. It requires smart tactics, coordinated efforts of the whole team. Volleyball is powerful, explosive but elegant. Therefore people enjoy watching it. This is a family sport that can be watched by the young and the old, by men and women and is similarly attractive for different age and gender groups. This is the reason why volleyball games have always been trendy. Volleyball is an entertaining sport which can be played anywhere with very little equipment. The project main objective is integrating SB societies through organising joint sport events. Therefore the project will intensify intercultural dialogue and improve involvement of broader public in cross-border activities. First some parallel qualifier tournament will be organised in three locations in the SB region open for all SB amateur teams that would apply. The selected teams will compete for a South Baltic amateur cup in the SB finals. The final tournament will be organized by the LB. It will gather players and their fans. After the finals a SB volleyball team will be created from the best players from SB countries. Due to volleyball unique features a volleyball team can be easily composed of players from different countries and backgrounds. The SB volleyball team will attend different contest within EU - mainly in the SB region representing SB as a regional entity.After project closure the international SB volleyball tournament will be continued by the LB. It will be possible at low costs Thanks to the project the teams from different countries will start to become acquainted each with other and get sufficient incentives to enjoy attending joint sport events even if the players have to pay for travelling and accommodation themselves. So the SB project’s role is to put a “snow ball” into a motion. Parallel to the games the partners will take some efforts to inform local communities about the events and popularising physical activity among the local inhabitants. e.g. by side events or attractions for children. Expected outputs and results will be following: expanding awareness on the role of physical activity in everyday life, integration of athletes from the SB, creating a common communication platform for amateur teams and strengthening SB integration by intensification of sport interchanges. Achievements: Opening conference, first steering group meeting and partnership meeting, 3 national qualification tournaments, project website, promotion of helathy life style during variuous matches and events.Second Steering Group Meeting, promotional and sport events, project and healthy lifestyle promotion, website translation, project management. Third Steering Group Meeting - 25-26 June 2013 with partners from Kretinga and Greifswald, leaflet translation into English; international tournament in Lębork, Holiday Valleyball tournament in Lębork, tournament for children in Lębork, sports day & health day in Greifswald, tournament Rostock-Warnemünde, 2 beach volleyball championships, seminar for coaches-volunteers in Kretinga, junior valleyball championship, 1 famous sportsman, updating website.Fourth Steering Group Meeting in Lębork with partners from Lithuania and Germany and AOs' members, information and intergration meeting, volleyball tournament for young people, 6th Amateur Volleyball Championship of Pomorskie Region. In Kretinga from January to February there was junior, junior boys and junior girls volleyball district championship second round. On March began district adult volleyball, beach volleyball season-opening tournament in Kretinga, international Baltic Rally project partners tournament in Kretinga with teams from Germany, one from Poland and one from Lithuania. On the occasion of Kretinga town Celebrations for the district officers (voluntary national defense, border security, police, Lithuanian Riflemen's Union, fire protection representatives) was organized beach volleyball tournament. In Greifswald 2 meetings - preliminay Lithuania and Prep Sports and Health Day. Lb ordered print of leaflets in English and promotional materials, updating website. in the last reporting period, there was planned and carried out actions more intense than before. There were organized the following events in Lebork: Family Picnic with the Volleyball for residents of the Lebork, especially for families with children; a series of three mini volleyball tournament for children; Jacob's Tournament of the Beach Volleyball; Steering Group meeting and final conference of the project. In the conference was attended project partners from Lithuania and Germany, as well as representatives of local authorities, journalists and local television. The special guest was Paul Papke, Polish volleyball player, multiple representative of the Polish men's volleyball, currently Member of Parliament. Participants also learned about report on professional knowledge and know-how related to the project on the integration of cross-border region through sport events. At the end of the conference there was signed an agreement on further cooperation between partners and associated organizations. During the 6th Steering Group meeting members discussed the current activities and plans after end of the project. Most important point was the signing of a declaration concerning organization of the sports events to 2020 by sports clubs.Another event ending the project was an international volleyball tournament. 6 international teams was attended in the tournament.German partner from Greifswald on 5th of July 2014 has prepared meeting „Sports and Health” and Implementation Tournament on 13th of September 2014 and celebration with that occasion. Greifswald organized an evaluation meeting of this events.In July of 2014 Kretinga district municipality administration organized the beach volleyball championship in youth and adult groups. 8 teams participated in each age group. In August was a traditional beach volleyball tournament, in which participated 6 teams.On 12-14 September Kretinga district municipality representatives together with sportmens participated in International volleyball tournament in Greifswald.In October was organised a seminar for volleyball coaches - volunteers " Initial training of volleyball technical basics". The seminar was conducted by volleyball coach Valdas Tuinyla.In November started junior, junior boys and junior girls volleyball district championship first round and the district adults volleyball Cup started
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  • 84.1%   149 633,38
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

2 Partners Participants