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Baltic active education network for development of people-to-people initiatives (eduPEOPLE)
Start date: Aug 31, 2009, End date: Dec 30, 2011 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The problem of youth's decreasing interest in science among countries around South Baltic Region is observed.It results now,and will bring negative consequences in the future - with growing deficit in the supply of science professions,lack of knowledge in the local societies and a lov effectiveness of sustainable development & research.For the eduPEOPLE project's partners (EXPERYMENT Science Centre in Gdynia,managed by Gdynia Innovation Centre,Poland and eXperimentLabbet in Kalmar,operated by The Energy Agency for Southeast Sweden) it is a great challenge - to change this situation.eduPEOPLE comprises activities, which in a long-term perspective can positively influence the educational attitudes and improve the environment for developing well-educated societies.The main objective of the eduPEOPLE project is to develop the idea of active education among local societies in the South Baltic Region to strengthen the sustainable development in the field of science.eduPEOPLE aims to create network of science centers and their associated organizations (listed in the attachment 4 of the application form),to enhance knowledge between regions through joint and people-to-people initiatives.Direct objectives are:1)Raising the active education awareness in the South Baltic Region on cross-border level, especially among teachers.2)Increasing children's and youth's interest in sciences and increasing status of science among local societies by showing, that science can be fun.3)Activating teachers to raise the quality of education.4) Disseminating good practices on active education. 5) Intensifying intercultural dialogue and improving local societies involvement in joint, people-to-people initiatives.All the activities defined in eduPEOPLE project are focused on achieving the objectives above.eduPEOPLE activities are divided into 4 components.Component 1 contains management and coordination meetings of partners.Component 2 contains communication and dissemination activities,aiming to reach potential beneficiaries and all the members of local societies in most effective ways.Component 3, dedicated to the activities for teachers and educators,which is the core of eduPEOPLE project,has a main objective of changing the educational attitudes and exchanging knowledge,experiences and best practices.Component 4,containing joint festival of experiments, will contribute to intensification intercultural dialogue and improvement of broader public's involvement in cross-border activities.All the eduPEOPLE project's actions are planned to reach the target groups,which originate from members of local societies - teachers,children and youth,pupils and inhabitants of region.eduPEOPLE project has a significant cross-border impact - will result in new dimension of cooperation in the field of active education,consisting of eduPEOPLE partners and associated organizations,and will contribute simultaneously to strengthen scientifically and socially positive partnership of the regions. Achievements: The achievements that were attained in the eduPEOPLE project in the 2nd reporting period of 2011 are the continuation of the achievements accomplished in the previous reporting periods, as well as they give the new boost and quality to the project. The accomplishments, as the project lasts, are more visible and complement the success of the eduPEOPLE project. Popularity of the project and its activities among teachers is a very important achievement. It shows, that these initiatives are needed by teachers of all stages of education and give the knowledge and inspiration for their everyday work in the schools. eduPEOPLE project is focused on promotion of active education and new, interactive methods of working with pupils. It gives teachers, through its events (like seminars and workshops) new approach to education. Positive opinions, gathered from teachers in the form of evaluation sheets as well as opinions draw from conversations after the events show, that teachers find the project useful and see the need of repeating the events. Achievement is therefore also seen in the number of teachers willing to take part in the events - the amount of registrations in all events exceeds the amount of seats, and some of the registrations sheets must be rejected. During the project Partners have encouraged the teachers to bring their new knowledge in interactive teaching to their schoolclasses, and Partners have noticed that the teachers are very anxious to use the tools in their education. Popularity of the project was also supported by the publications, that have been released in the national and regional press - it gives the overview on the eduPEOPLE. The successive promotion campaign is supported also by the attractive brochures in Polish and English, which are disseminated not only in Partners' institutions, but also outside. The achievement is also seen in the popularity of the Component 4 event – cross-border Festival of Experiments in Kalmar. The event was very popular, which was supported also by a very strong promotional campaign, as well as by the cross-border character of the festival. Quality of the eduPEOPLE project partnership is also very high and comes as an achievement. Permanent contact make the partnership full and mutual. Both partners learn from each other – it is visible in the inspiration and experiences shared – EXPERYMENT Science Centre and eXperimentLabbet educators had a lot of inspirations (ideas for workshops, meetings) during the study visits and after it.

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  • 70%   245 250,00
  • 2007 - 2013 South Baltic (PL-SE-DK-LT-DE)
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

1 Partners Participants