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Bakımı Yönetelim, Üretimi Yönetelim, Avrupa Bakım Uygulamaları Stajı
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Project Name: Probation of European Maintenance Applications, Manage Manitenance, Manage Production Our project will be performed with consortium partnership of two occupational corporations (Dikmen MTAL and Atatürk MTAL) from Ankara and one occupational corporation (Meram MEM) from Konya. Agreement with Bildungs-Centrum-Nies Corporation had been made as foreign partner. With Ankara Occupational Progress Plan prepared by our Corporation Dikmen MTAL, our aims have been determined, Central Anatolia Region is determined as the first enlargement site within the scope of dissemination activities of our project, and our partners were chosen in the direction of this aim. Our Progress Plan focuses on labor force. It is in the direction of making our students get prepared for business conditions, and make them gain basic skills in order to incorporate themselves to continuous developments. In the direction of this aim, first step is to develop our students’ foreign languages. We have developed both occupational language abilities and daily languages thanks to Erasmus+ activities. Moreover,probation activities were performed in relation to maintenance techniques which is one of the subjects that Turkish syllabus fails to compromise. These activities particularly consist of predictive and preventive maintenance techniques in the direction of taking precautions for malfunctions. Within the scope of these techniques, activities comprise of collecting data, using these data for trend analysis, etc. Second step of our progress plan is in the direction of increasing qualifications of our vocational persons. In terms of this, it is intended to improve our students progressively, and to direct them towards life-long learning. Our participants attended to applications such as creating maintenance plans, making business plans and ordering them sufficiently that are some of the higher education implementations. Thus, higher education encouraged and first steps were taken to EU and Turkey long term targets. Two phases comprising of 15 students from our coordinator corporation (from fields of electric – electronic, meta, technology of machine and engine tools) and one companion started on March and May 2016 and our consortium partners beuin their phases with the same participant number and profiles on November 2015 and February 2016. Our activities performed in Bildungs-Centrum-Nies Corporation in Germany. We conducted our project under the leadership of project management commission that were created within the scope of our coordinator corporation, and with the operations of management commissions of our partners. Our management system depends on transparency principle and is established on the basis of European activity quality criteria. On long term basis, our project aims at creation of qualified labor force, emphasis on language skills and their importance and encouragement of higher education, contribution to regional, national and European levels of progress, and development of vocational education system and syllabus of our country.
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1 Partners Participants