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BAHUS Wines: Building, AcHieving, Upgrading, Sharing Wines
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The historical evidences show traces of viticulture and wine-making at least 7,000 years back in the past. Although the cradle of wine-making seems to be the Caucasus region, now many regions in the world are well-known of their specific wines and grape species. As of August 2012, four years ago, the organic wines started to be labeled as "organic", having the EU organic logo visible and officially recognizing them as an organic product. Part of the EU legislation regulates the organic wine production, recognizing it as ecologically, economically and socially sound. The EU regulation No. 203/2013 details the rules of the organic wine-making and provides ground for development of this sector of production. The objectives of the project were to transfer the Spanish know-how to Macedonia into the organic wine production, to present the organic wine production as a brand of SOU Goce Delcev and to increase the awareness about organic production in Macedonia. Learners from SOU Goce Delcev were connected to the local organic wine producers through the network of the Spanish organization Formacion FU SL and through the two-week mobility acquired the necessary skills and techniques for such production. They also learned how to locate the “critical” inputs (planting, soil maintenance, photo-sanitary treatments, harvest) and which are the most commonly used techniques (in organic farming) that are important in effecting the bio-physical-chemical status of the grapes. Moreover, during their stay, they networked with their colleagues from this region and were inspired to share experiences and ideas on future cooperation. The communication it is still going on even due the mobility ended. Having almost no competition in organic wine production in Macedonia, the SOU Goce Delcev is planning to create a brand of it and therefore, could increase the visibility of the SOU Goce Delcev, being recognized as a unique producer. Bringing the organic wine production in Macedonia, is not only a benefit for the company, but also for the country, diversifying the spectrums of economy and opening the door for promotion of a healthy lifestyle of its citizens. In addition, the good practices and the transfer of know-how would initiate broader regulation of the organic production by drafting strategic documents on national level. As a follow-up of the project, similar regional mobilities are planned to be organized in order to spread the organic wine production in the region. Learners mobility lasted 14 days, a period that is long enough to familiarize the participants with production of organic wines. This mobility activity provided participants with education in modern, scientifically based, economically sound and, environmentally wise wine production, ability to apply fundamental knowledge of modern wine production to new situations, as well as with the ability to apply modern wine production skills to complex real-world situations.
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