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“B.U.G.I ” (Bulizz! Utazz! Gyűjts élményt! Ismerkedj!) Önkéntes Nemzetközi Ifjúsági program Nyírgyulajban
Start date: Feb 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the frame of the project we would like to organise a youth exchange cooperating with another organisation.The applicant organisation is the ’Szabolcsi Fiatalok a Vidékért’ Association from Hungary. The partner organisation is Asociatia Tineretului Protectiei Mediului Si Culturii-Somesul from Romania. We would like to realise a 11 days-long exchange in Nyírgyulaj, at the seat of the applicant organisation. We would like to host 40 young people (20 from Romania, 20 from Hungary).Our project is dealing with the relevant question of our society: active citizenship, youth unemployment, encouraging young people to be entrepreneur, creativity and culture.The topic of the youth exchange is focusing on more topics, which are actual and fit to the needs and interest of the youngsters. During the exchange we will talk about the European Union, working of the labour market, non-governmental sector and we will develop the creativity and social responsibility of the young people. The goal of our activities is developing competencies, which have positive impact to their chance on the labour market, to their living and their everyday life situations. Instead of talking about theory we would like to focus on the practise and we would like to transfer practical knowledge to the participants that can be useful for them. We will use non-formal methods during the programme. In order to realise this project efficiently, we would like to organise preparatory visit where the group leaders can meet with each other. Our project gives the possibility to the participants/volunteers to recharge their batteries, to receive useful and concrete answers to their questions and problems connected to work. Furthermore we will provide space and time to change the experiences and knowledge, to get to know each other, to relax and feel good.
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