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B.I.P. Build Inclusion and Peace
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Dec 1, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The cultural differences that now characterize all our societies are experienced a lot more and by many people as element that gives rise to conflicts experienced negatively. To foster this distrust are frequently prejudices and lack of mutual understanding. The web , properly used, can help break down these barriers , becoming the "voice of the voiceless " , choosing the Nonviolent Communication as an approach to become a promoter of integration and rights , valuing cultural differences. In this sense, there is space to live peacefully the conflict that is a normal dimension, connected to the real idea of relationship differences. The objectives expected from the project were: - To promote a conscious use of different communication tools, particularly with the adoption of a non-violent approach to the themes and stories - Enhancing the culture at all levels, integrating traditional methods (library ) and modern (web, web radio, social networks ... ) - To promote awareness about the issue of conflict and its management through non-violent ways - Provide support to vulnerable groups in the communities by facilitating their integration The project involved 6 volunteers with interests and skills for communication and information as a tool for promoting social and civic awareness by promoting integration, rights and peace. The activities were implemented in Italy and Greece. At the House of Peace - APG23 (Italy) the two volunteers participated in activities to promote peace and nonviolence which is committed to the Association, whose activities meet with marginal situations the door to become the voice of those who do not It has capacity and tools to tell their stories. Young people were involved in the creation of promotional materials, banners and graphics for raising awareness on the themes of peace and multiculturalism that have taken place in the area; realization of articles in several languages (Italian, Greek and English) as a testimony of their EVS; translation of articles from the website from Italian to English; creating computerized list of the texts of the office’s library; monitoring of news from some website of alternative information, peace journalism, nonviolent communication; support in the creation of a database of sites related to Antenne di Pace for content and/or way of communication; accompaniment the staff of the Association in the implementation of workshops on nonviolent conflict management among the schools and youth groups, filming and editing promotional videos of the workshops; photo gallery and photo report of the activities. Several activities with asylum seekers: Italian lessons; accompaniment the staff in the performance of daily activities (visits, medical documents, police station for documents); accompanying the staff in the research work (employment center, Cv distribution, research internships); collecting stories; leisure and recreational activities (watching movies, sports); small introduction to computer use (activation emails and use the same, basic information about word); Curriculum Vitae creation; participation in the coordination meetings with staff; realization multicultural event promotion at the House of Peace. At USB, the four volunteers were engaged in activities that help to recognize and value the Balkan cultures so as to promote the passing of prejudices and encourage the inclusion of Eastern Europe and the opening to the west . The young people will take care of the organization and expansion of the thematic library and the implementation of a multimedia (e- balkans, consisting in a web radio, online journal and a pilot web TV). At USB in Greece the four volunteers were engaged in activities to promote and value the Balkan cultures in order to go beyond the prejudices and encourage the inclusion of Eastern Europe and the opening to the west. Young people have dealt with the organization and expansion of the thematic library and the creation of a multimedia space (e-balkans, made up a web radio, an online journal and a web TV pilot). Specifically they addressed social issues in radio and not only youth, with particular emphasis on the Balkans; recorded programs to pass on the radio; organized and developed an e-journals; participated in events organized by the partners and dedicated to the EU or human rights. In the implementation of the activities the web and multimedia has played an important role. It was a vehicle for the promotion of the wealth that comes out from cultural differences, favouring the meeting, stimulating and overcoming stereotypes. The digital dimension it has been a megaphone for the relational dimension that volunteers will experience directly through the project .
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