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B.A.B.E.L.: Boosting Abilities By Empowering Languages
Start date: Jun 17, 2014, End date: Dec 31, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

BABEL: Boosting Ability By Empowering Languages is a youth exchange of 35 young students, recent graduates or graduates belonging to the first cycle of studies, aged between 18 and 25 from Italy, Croatia, Latvia, Greece, Hungary, Turkey and Sweden . It seemed appropriate to choose so many different countries to guarantee different points of view on the EU, on the perception that each of these countries has of its membership and on the importance of national and not national anguages within it. The project took place in Pizzo, southern Italy, a tourist town, where several foreigners have decided to settle, so the participants had the opportunity to use different languages during their free time.The project was born from the desire to be able to create a Europe in which the cohesion between different languages is really possible to make real the European project of a community united in difference and motivated in promoting multilingualism. This project focuses on the ability of young people to use several languages, their opportunity to access culture and participate as active citizens, to benefit from better communication, inclusion and employment. Better language skills are an asset across all activities, including mobility in general (the greatest obstacle to mobility is precisely the lack of knowledge of foreign languages). The main objective of the project was to raise awareness of the value and opportunities of the EU's linguistic diversity and encourage the removal of barriers to intercultural dialogue. Other objectives were:- To promote and enhance all languages, in fact, in the current context of mobility and migration, mastering the national languagesit is essential to be able to integrate and play an active role in society;- Make participants aware that the competitiveness of linguistics can improve their employability ;- Use the method of non- formal education as an effective tool for learning and spreading its use ;- To support European objectives aimed at investing in people , their skills and abilities, and to guide them towards innovative solutions;- Make the participants understand the importance of foreign language as a communication tool, taking into account that we live in an era in which relations with other countries are essential - Broaden the horizons of cultural, social and human rights of the participants to understand that each language reflects the different ways of life of the communities who speak and express in different ways the aspects of human experience, having great importance to the understanding and to the respect of others and the values they possess.The Working Method used was the non-formal learning method. For each activity we have established the objectives and learning outcomes that participants have achieved through workshops, meetings, games, practical activities according to the formula of "learning by doing" that allowed them to learn about the topic. The working groups were always with participants of mixed nationality in order to facilitate intercultural learning and foster the creation of a European dimension, individual and group.The results were:- Encourage young people to acquire skills in more than one foreign language;- Learn about the different types of teaching / learning of languages in addition to the formal method;- Introduce young people to the institutions, European objectives and the opportunities that this offers.The impact that we have achieved has been of great importance, because the project was fully about both the young participants and the local community. This impact has not only had an impact in the short term, but will have a positive long-term impact on participants as they have understood that the languages and mobility can improve their life from different point of view, both personal and professional, even in terms of employability. The method used has facilitated experiential learning, which is unlikely to be forgotten. The project has also brought benefits to the local community, as they approached in an alternative way to topics that were always treated in a formal way (through lectures, with regard to language teaching, and conferences, for example, with regard to the EU, its institutions and mobility).
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