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Azi învăţăm să ne programăm viitorul - Today we learn to programm our future
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Today we learn to program our future" offered students of National College "Grigore Moisil" Urziceni possibility to perform some of the practical activities stipulated in the school curriculum of computer science in a company active in the field of IT from Germany. External partners involved in the project are: Robotron Bildungs- und Beratungszentrum and Wisamar Bildungsgesellshaft gemeinnuetzige from Leipzig, Germany. The objectives pursued by the project were: -The development of the professional abilities and competences in the field of visual applications, required for a future 21-st century IT professional, taking into account new trends and rapid developments in the IT field and on the labor market; -The improvement of language and communication skills both in a virtual and real environment, acquiring life and work experience in a foreign country so as to improve the capacity of professionally integrate; -The strengthening of the European dimension of education and professional training for the IT field through international cooperation. At each of the two 3-week internships performed in two school years have participated 16 students, selected on the basis of a competition between pupils of XII math-informatics with informatics intensive of the college. Beneficiary organization, partner companies and participating students have carried out a wide range of activities within the project, starting with the organizational information and selection of participants, their linguistic and pedagogical preparation, the deployment of mobilities with simultaneous monitoring and guiding, followed by activities evaluation, dissemination and valorization of results. During the internship students have studied the fundamentals and realized practical applications of visual programming module included in the curriculum of computer science class XII, including basic concepts of visual programming and object-oriented programming elements in visual context. General competences from computer science curriculum developed in the practical training are: identifying the data involved into a problem and applying the fundamental algorithms for processing them; drawing up of algorithms for solving problems; implement algorithms in a programming language. During the internship also was held the cultural training program, during which students visited a number of tourist and economic interest and therefore make contact with the realities of current German society and important moments in its history. Main beneficiaries of the project are the students participants who had the opportunity to attend a modern training course, apply what they have learned under the guidance of recognized specialists in the field, put in their creativity and the inventive spirit, all in a real work environment of a developed EU country, where is appreciated practice, applied dimension of the preparation. Participants in mobility have visibly improved their professional competences and international communication capacity, thus expanding their cultural horizons and taking contact with aspects of current issues in the EU. Conducting the project and solving various practical situations encountered has improved the managerial capacity of the project team members, while offering an example and a model of good practice for the teachers and the students of the college. Students participating in the internship presented to their colleagues from classes of similar profile the computer applications that they have made during the mobility, which they have also presented before the exam commission to obtain professional certificate in computer science. The teacher responsible for professional training within the project team carried out a didactic auxiliary for use in the computer lab. Participants also made a film about the internship and shared some of their experiences through posting on the project website and through two collages of photos with the topics: "Modernity and tradition in the German area" and "Germany seen with my own eyes". The project results were disseminated to students, parents and future students also through leaflets and posters for presentation of results and images from the project, which were displayed in the school and grouped on a DVD made available through the Center for Documentation and Information of the college. One of the major benefits that have been achieved by the college running the project is the possibility to repay the trust invested in school by students and parents, by the local community in general, showing that it can provide to his interested and involved students special opportunities to studies, wide open to the future.
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