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Az Ifjúsági Szociális Munka Európai Dimenziói
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Sep 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European youth is facing new challenges. In the past few years the unemloyment rate of young workers has increased by leaps and bounds, and the enduring crisis in Central Europe has led to the decrease of sources available for social issues and tasks. The number of functional illiterates is fairly high and early school leaving is also significant in the region. A great majority of young people find their situation hopeless, and so enterpreneurship among them is not intense enough. To handle these problems young people themselves can find solutions by actively participating in the process of problem solving. By organizing a camp we would like to improve the situation of the 16-30-year-old young people, by helping them acquire new competences, build new relationships, learn from one another, adopt good practices, learn about the youth policy and social policy strategies 2014-2020 of the European Union and engage them in experience-based learning and through meaningful recreational activities in informal learning. The long-term objective of the project: provide young people with useful new competencies which they will be able to efficiently use in theory and practice, help them recognize the correlation between the new competences and carrier building or the world of work, familiarize them with the general content and essence of EU key competences and the significance of their complexity. 6 countries take part in the project: Hungary (‘Green Active’ Social Enterprise), Germany (Verein zur sozialen und beruflichen Integration), Ukraine (Transcarpathian Association of Students and Young Researchers), Slovakia (TéKa-Scientific and Cultural Association of Young Hungarians in Slovakia), Croatia (The Alliance of Hungarian Entrepreneurs in Croatia) and Serbia (Origo Association). All partner organizations have relevant experience and knowledge, social and organizing skills and extensive relations. Activities of the camp are organized along 4 priorities: Priority 1: Acquiring new competencies with the help of non-formal learning tools. Within this priority emphasis will be put on the two following issues: a. information and knowledge in connection with social economy. How can we establish a social cooperative? b. the efficient use of modern online marketing in business and community development. Working method: two lectures followed by interactive groupwork. For those interested in online marketing a „media centre” will be set up in order to operate the project’s Facebook page, website and publish news on different blog portals. Priority 2: Building connections, learning from one another, adoption of good practices. a. Presentation of good practices of the social economy. b. Creative ideas for enterprises of young people in rural areas. New types of business development and job creation. c. The role of civil organizations in local economy development and in solving social problems. Working method: workshop, round table talks. Each participating organization will present their own best practices. Priority 3: Youth policy and social policy strategies of the European Union for the period of 2014-2020. a. Getting to know the strategies. Working method: panel discussion with invited EU experts. b. Cooperations, brainstorming for generation of possible future project proposals. Working method: several rounds of workshops led by the leaders of the participating groups. Priority 4: Experience-based learning, meaningful recreational programmes. a.Visits to small South-Transdanubian villages (with inhabitants less than 100) where the dynamic leaders together with the cohesive community of the village found an innovative way for continuous development (Kovácsszénája, Patca). b. Community development, teambuilding through sports. Working method: organization of eventful active recreational programmes which incorporate the codes of practice of community development and take care of group dynamics. During the preparational and the follow-up phases internet-based communication, newsletters, the Facebook group and emails will be of primary use. Expected results of the project: sharing of at least 10 concrete youth policy or social policy best practices among the participants and their dissemination on 5 websites (in 5 countries), the development of competencies and enhancement of subject knowledge regarding social economy. Impact of the project: it is likely that with the help of the participating partners several new social cooperatives will be established in the countries concerned. An interactive informal youth network will be created, members of which will stay in touch after the camp. Labor market opportunities of the participating young people will increase thanks to the new competencies they acquire and their strengthened motivation. The preparation of one Erasmus+ Strategic programme. The number of those informed directly or indirectly about the youth policy and social policy of the EU will increase.
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5 Partners Participants