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Awareness Rising and Investments in Energy Efficiency: Jõhvi and Kingisepp (ARIEE)
Start date: Jun 7, 2013, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project aim is to contribute to the achievement of higher energy-efficiency in two neighbouring regions: Jõhvi and the whole county of Ida-Virumaa (Estonia) and the district of Kingisepp (Russia). The project is going to address a problem, common for both countries, having lots of social establishments, such as kindergartens and schools, situated in the buildings with poor energy-efficiency below nowadays standards. This problem gets highly urgent nowadays when prices of energy are constantly rising. The vast majority of these buildings have been erected more than 20 years ago according to the old standards when low prices of energy did not force to use sparing/economic solutions, not to mention unstable quality of building materials and construction works.During the project a set of awareness rising actions will be organized (info-days, seminars, study-trips) for the municipal specialists and other people related with kindergartens – staff and parents. Public bodies running the social objects will see and experience the most cost-effective and acknowledged ways how to reconstruct their premises and how to use them in the most efficient way. Achievements: Outputs*Two kindergarten buildings in Jõhvi Municipality (Estonia) and Kingisepp (Leningrad region, Russia) reconstructed using the contemporary energy saving solutions; *Energy lessons methodology for kindergarten children developed, workbook and methodical material for kindergarten teachers composed, translated and printed; *Project ARIEE won the first prize in the First State Contest (Russia) of projects in the energy effectiveness field, determined on the basis of Internet voting, as an educational project for children presented by the Kingisepp municipal administration; *3 Energy days for children in Jõhvi and Kingisepp, drawing competition "Energy saving by children's eyes" and lessons for children held; *Information seminar, study-trip to Sweden and 2 conferences for employees of public sector institutions dedicated to the energy effectiveness took place; 2000 workbooks, 11 articles, 14 press-releases and 2 interviews, 1 promotional stand, 2 billboards, 2 memory plaques produced; *Two project sections created and information published on and*Measured energy consumption reduced in both kindergarten buildings in Jõhvi Municipality (Estonia) and Kingisepp (Leningrad region, Russia); *In Kingisepp kindergarten heat and energy consumption reduced by 47,8% and 39,9%, in Jõhvi kindergarten heat consumption reduced by 63,4%; *Educational process in both kindergartens developed and people's awareness of energy saving since young ages rose; *More than 100 kindergarten's kids took part in Energy Days in Jõhvi and Kingisepp and 115 children in energy efficiency lessons; *Energy efficiency solutions promoted for local communities, local municipalities andregional authorities; *More than 40 000 local people informed about energy effectiveness measures and energy consumption reduced

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  • 89.9%   882 006,45
  • 2007 - 2013 Estonia-Latvia-Russia ENPI CBC
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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1 Partners Participants