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Awareness and Transfer of Innovation in composite materials (Composites)
Start date: Oct 6, 2008, End date: Dec 30, 2014 PROJECT  FINISHED 

This project aims to reinforce innovation and technology transfer amongst companies in NWE. in order to provide support and assistance throughout the period of profound industrial change linked to the arrival of composite materials. The aim is to rely on the “technological centres of excellence” and on the dynamics that they have created in their area of expertise. whilst providing a favourable climate to generate the necessary synergies. which will allow us to reach our final objective. The objective of this project is to encourage technology transfer from these networks specialized in the field of composite materials to SMBs in NWE. In terms of communication and education. we expect to add value to 500-1000 SMBs. selected in the targeted sector based on the NACE codes lists. among which 15 to 25 might even start their complete mutation to the composite technology. from the device design to the final disposal of the composites. in accordance with the rules of sustainability. It is a question of developing the most adequate tools to collect and share technological information (work package 1). and of developing a common program in the field of continuing education (work package 2). A common methodology for technology transfer will be put into place. with the aim of encouraging innovation within the SMBs located in the geographical project area (work package 3). One of the objectives is also to encourage transnational cooperation between small and medium businesses. whilst aiming to improve the competitiveness of these networks on a global scale (work package 4). The approach is transversal. Target priority sectors are the transport industry (aeronautic. automotive. railway…) and related equipment capital. as they are common trends between the regions. which gives a conistency to the project. The 2 sectors include a large number of different activities giving rise to an increasing level of transfer of expertise. Expected Results: The method will be to organize cooperation between partners and sub-partners, by setting up a transnational working group for each work package in order to take any decision in common on a transnational way, and putting an Intranet platform into operation for an easier communication among the partners. To achieve the work package 1 goals, the transnational business and strategic intelligence unit in the field of composite materials will be constituted with the contribution of high value added information services from all partners and sub partners. To achieve the work package 2 objectives, a transnational education platform dedicated to composite materials will be set up. Partners and sub partners will be able to develop on line training with a common methodology. In particular, 3 “e-learning training sessions” will be set up to answer to specific needs identified beforehand in the companies. For WP3: awareness campaign planned in each region before the organisation of local meetings and study visits. SMBs “success stories” testimonials to illlustrate successful technology transfer. Transnational study visits will be organized. Thus SMBs operating in one region will discover the expertise of a technological center or another SMB from another region. Technological audits organised in a transnational way. For WP4: more business relationships via an online business club and a transnational business forum 2012. Outputs : 1000 SMBs with increased knowledge on composites, e-learning sessions, 15 to 25 SMBs on their way to mutation. Launch of an agency “NWE platform dedicated to the promotion and development of composite materials" run as a non-profit organization by the projects partners, using the web-site with SPOC & communication tools of the project and continuing all the actions of the project, subsidized by annual fees from the industry.
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  • 50%   2 467 295,04
  • 2007 - 2013 North West Europe
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

12 Partners Participants