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Avrupa Eğitim Felsefesi 20
Start date: Nov 1, 2014, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

European Education Philosophy 20" project proposal aimed Karamürsel Anatolian High School to be internationalized and to develop the quality of education through European Strategy 2020. The European Development Plan, which was prepared through the analyses done by using quality management techniques at school to achieve the project aims, has revealed the areas are to be developed such as school management, education staff, teaching methodology, language teaching strategy and European dimention. In this Mobility Project for School Education Staff , short term staff training activities to 3 European Countries were planned. In order to achieve the aims of the project, the participants had English skills at the level of at least 4 years of university or Master Degree. 12 of our teachers answering these qualifications devided into 3 teams named ICT Team, Strategy Team and Quality Team. ICT Team successfully participated in the "Future learning with iPads and Tablets? course for 5 days in Austria, Strategy Team successfully participated in the "Managing & Developing Self & Others" course for 5 days in the UK, Quality Team successfully participated in a job shadowing activity for a week at Tinstrup Skole in Denmark. The staff had oppotunity to develop their ICT and language skills preliminarly, which is described as two of key competences through European 2020 Strategy by EC, and personal and careeer skills additionally during the mobilities abroad. Preperation activites before the mobilities helped the achievements the participants gained abroad, turned into high quality outcomes.They experienced how to integrate the intercultural, formal, informal and non-formal education techniques firstly themselves, secondly into the education system at our school. They established the base to promote systematical reforms necessitated to integrate our school into European counterparts by implying international quality standarts of education at our school, by introducing our institution, teachers, students and graduates during structured courses and job shadowing avtivities abroad. The outcomes have recently been disseminated to the other staff at school, and also been entegrated into the areas are supposed to be developed in the School Strategy Plan and as a result the quality of education have now improved. The impact of dissemination activities, proved clearly that the project has been implied suitably for the Erasmus+ Program priorities. EC recognised field of education as a way to overcome the socio-economic crisis, to support growth and jobs and to foster social equity and inclusion. "European Education Philosophy 20" project has renetly been completed, the quality of education at our school is believed to reach European standart and the integration period has already been started. In the next decade we will grow generations, who have social entrepreneurship awareness, who can find innovative and creative solutions to social problems, who are ready to work at unknown job areas, who has the potantial to create new job areas with the awareness of social inclusion.Finally being a more internationalised school, the project implementation has been supporting the wider European satrategy and will continue to support in the future.
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