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Avrupa'da Okuma Öğretimi Politikaları ve Uygulamaları Eğtimi
Start date: Dec 31, 2015, End date: Dec 30, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Reading has a great importance for knowledge-based society and economy. It is visible that students’ interest in our school towards reading book, newspaper, magazine and any electronical material is low. Again at the interviews with teachers, it is identified that they have deficiency in teaching reading and improving reading skills. Based on these problems, we prepared a Project of Teaching Reading Politics and Applications in Europe Education. In this sense, we would like to develop teaching reading skills of teachers in primary levels, establish European cooperation with the aim of learning and developing factors which effects gaining reading skills, applied national and international politics, systems in countries which are successful in application, examples of good practices. Reading skill is a tool for accepted educational right according to Human Rights Declaration (Article 26). According to International Student Reading Evaluation research results carried out by European countries in the last 10 years, European Council puts the goal of reducing failure in reading below 15% by year 2020. To reach this goal decision givers and teachers have a critical role. So to improve teaching reading and gaining reading skills qualified and informed teachers are needed. Professional development of teachers is a key to increasing reading skills and student success. It is clear that the importance of developing reading skills of teachers is very great. Therefore teachers must specialized in this subject and establish relation between reading approaches. For our teachers to specialized 10 day trainings are planned in Germany, Lithuania and Portugal. In this context, our projects objectives are: - To learn innovative educational methods to improve reading skills, - To increase reading success, - To learn teaching reading approaches in Europe, - To learn educational politics in Europe, - To increase school and teacher quality in teaching reading, - To determine out-of-school factors effecting school success, - To develop taken precautions for supporting students who has learning difficulties and need special education, - To gain good applications and sources in Europe for developing reading skills, - To visit educational institutions and examine on-site. Objectives stated above are intended to reach with this project. We would like to implement this project to be successful in increasing the level of students’ reading with teachers and disseminate it. Our target group is teachers in primary level and director. Students also enter target group indirectly. Expected effect on target group as follow: Students not only understand what they have read but also gain the competence of commenting what they have understand, criticizing and evaluating with improving reading skills. They will like reading more and gain reading culture. They will be successful in their lessons. Teachers will gain skills of application, analysis, synthesis and evaluation in developing reading skills. They will be able to make their lessons more enjoyable, their motivation and knowledge will increase. Their interest in foreign languages will increase and learn researching foreign sources. Our institution will be an institution which adopts reading culture. The quality of dialogue among educators, directors and students will improve. 3 flows will be performed in our project. Flows are Lithuania, Germany and Portugal respectively. Our participants will stay 12 days in Germany, Lithuania and Portugal including there and back. During trainings they will have school visits and monitoring activities. 4 people will join each of the mobilities. These people will make dissemination activities and organise project activities. As the communication language of the project is English, teachers will be sent to foreign language course in order to improve their language competences. For dissemination and sharing gained knowledge teacher and student seminars will be organised. At the end of the project a book ‘’Improving Reading Skills in Schools’’ will be published and distributed. As dissemination activities many activities are planned in our school. In order to organise activities and mobilities, a ‘’Project Management Team’’ will be organised. Dissemination activities will go on during the project, every kind of press tools will be used. Our project is also open to development in the long run and will provide the progress of National Education Politics. In order to continue the sustainability of the project, cooperation will be established with other schools and institutions. By designing it in E-twinning platform, it will be shared.

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