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Avastan maailma volume 2
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Education has an important role in achieving the aims of Europe 2020. In the strategies of lifelong learning in Estonia 2020 the principles to improve the system have been brought out: of great importance are „active participation and responsibility of the learners“ and „open mind, toleration and international cooperation“ (p 3,4). The challenge of vocational education is that the school-leavers’ meet the standards of present day labour market, important are both the personal qualities and professional skills.The project „Discover the world volume 2“ will contribute to the accomplishment of the strategic objective in school’s development plan of 2016-2020:education provided by our school is of high quality, accessible, meets the requirements of labour market and the organization of schoolwork is efficient, flexible and sustainable and meets the students’ needs. The project is in accordance with The European Credit System for Vocational Education and Training (ECVET)The core of the student mobility is 15 study outcome based modules together with assessment sheets. The modules are practical, have been created in the course of previous mobility programs, and meet the requirements of current curriculum. In order to carry out the mobility program we have a sequence of activities that is in accordance with ECVET principles, together with dates and people in charge.The objectives of the project „Discover the world volume 2“ are:1. To promote the student mobility taking into consideration the principles of international ECVET that will guarantee the mutual acknowledgement of study-outcome-based traineeships, using the study outcome based modules and assessment sheets (worked out in projects Heta-Ecvet, STEVTA and EQVET) 2.To support the personal and professional development of the participants so that they could meet the requirements of labour market 3. Living and working in a strange language and cultural environment is an additional value for the participants.4. To get knowledge and experience for implementation of the syllabus of level 5 catering services and head waitersThe participants of the project are 20 students from all curricula of our school. Students come from the countryside and 40% of them are from underprivileged group. Five weeks of independent life in a strange environment will be a useful experience for a young person. They will improve their self-confidence, sociability, language skills, competitiveness, and also their professional skills. Students who come after secondary school will improve the motivation and personality together with professional skills. The content will be chosen together by the student, teacher and project leader from the following modules: hospitality industry - a la carte, pastry, basic food preparation, banqueting; in construction - mason, drywall instalment, installation of wood frame; machinery- charging and starting up system, maintenance, brake service, suspension; ICT- composing dynamic web- pages, installing the software, installing the hardware, application of software.The activities, responsibilities and dates before during and after the mobility have been divided between the sending and host organization according to mutual agreements.The responsibilities of Kehtna Economy and Technology school are coordinating the project that is carried out by the project leader in cooperation with the head teachers of different curricula.Hosts have different responsibilities according to agreements.Project administrators and teachers in the partner schools know each other from previous cooperation and so the basis of our mutual work (our students in their school and their students in Estonia) is trust. We have created a memorandum of mutual understanding that is valid until 2016 between the organizations involved. In addition we have an agreement between four parties (sending and host school, participant and company where the participant is going to work). The good quality of the outcome is ensured by the list of activities carried out before, during and after the mobility, the technical description them and outcome-based modules created by the teachers. Responsibility for the managing of the project lies on the project leader of Kehtna As the outcome of the project participants will have acquired necessary study outcomes of the modules at the work placement, they have got experience to manage in strange surroundings. School will have promoted the quality of teaching taking into account the principles of ECVET. All parties will have contributed to free movement of labour, comparability of vocational qualifications and intercultural communication.Important impact of the mobility is the fact that people know more about Erasmus mobility projects and its possibilities. The benefit of the project is that mobility helps to raise the qualification of specialists and their compliance with the requirements of the labour market, also raises the awareness o

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