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Autonomous Monitoring Unit for Offshore Applications (MONOFFSHORE)
Start date: May 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The global Oil and Gas Industry operates more than 7000 platforms worldwide. Almost all of them have already passed their design life and require condition assessment for the justification of extension of life. In addition floating equipment using mooring lines has faced considerable problems in the past 10 years. Over 185 mooring lines have been lost in this period creating a damage of over 1 million Euro each. The offshore wind industry has started to install thousands of structures offshore and require condition monitoring by law (i.e. HSB requirements in Germany).Condition monitoring using ambient vibrations has a good reputation onshore already. VCE has been one of the leading suppliers of these services for 20 years. A major opportunity, but also challenge, is to develop an autonomous, robust monitoring unit for offshore application. VCE is determined to develop such a device based on previous developments and experience.
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