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Austausch von Auszubildenden zwischen der österr. Sozialversicherung und der AOK Rheinland-Pfalz
Start date: Feb 2, 2015, End date: Mar 2, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Vienna Health Insurance requested to participate in the Erasmus Plus with 2 trainees of the teaching profession Administrative Assistant / in over a period of 4 weeks in teaching the 2014/ 2015. Participants / inside are two trainees at the time of the placement abroad in the second or 3.Lehrjahr are . objective: The trainees are in other European countries to get to know the differences between the divergent social systems within the EU during the 4-week internship. The knowledge gained through the project partner theoretical and practical knowledge to be responsible applied , extended and deepened in professional practice recognized occupation-specific priorities in the partner country and perform under the guidance of specific tasks , they should test their own development opportunities and engage in teamwork with professionals of the partner institution . Furthermore, the trainees should develop through the study abroad personal skills , social and cultural , by interacting communicative and representative of their social security institutions in the partner institution . Cross-cultural similarities as well as discovering and respecting differences and strengthen the required personal accountability within and outside the partner's professional life and specific skills . Expected results: The trainees on the one hand recognize the SV - specific divergent characteristics and on the other hand greatly expand their personal and their professional horizons . The professional experience that they could collect at the partner institution abroad , directly into their current training one can innovate enrich their educational institution and the entire SV - apprenticeship training and design by neinen growth in personal skills their professional role further by new knowledge .

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