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Auslandspraktika in Frankreich und den Niederlanden für Gestaltungstechnische Assistenten
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The objective of the executed action consisted in the continuation and intensification of the cooperation between the Pictorius-Berufskolleg Coesfeld (PBK) and its partners in France and in the Netherlands. In the course of the project the sending organization could expand its international cooperation by gaining one more project partner in the United Kingdom (London). In all cases, the provision of internships in different companies was intended for students of the full-time course of graphic and industrial design. The executed action included various aims. On the one hand, the practical implementation of knowledge acquired at school in the field of development and digital realisation as regards print design, object design and Web design within a real work environment constituted one relevant aim. On the other hand, it was intended to provide the participants an insight into work processes and structures of a foreign company. Within the framework of the professional obligatory internship well-selected companies in different European countries served as training grounds that suit the participants’ training contents. Apart from the above mentioned objectives, learning of intercultural and foreign language skills played a crucial role. An internship in a foreign country broadens the personal horizon to a high extent and enriches the students’ personality by lots of new impressions and experiences. On top of that, working abroad entails and enhances the chances to consider workplaces outside one’s own country in the future. Hence, the project carried out is to be considered as a contribution to a Europe growing closer together by promoting flexibility and mobility of each participant. The project provided for in total 20 participants within two seven week flows (France) two six week flows Netherlands) as well as on flow of 26 days (England). A total of 16 participants took part in the project.
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