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Auslandspraktika für Jugendliche in der beruflichen Erstausbildung
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Trainees in the trades of gardener, florist or animal keeper are supposed to complete a 4-week work placement in other European countries. The 30 participants are in the second or third year of their training and have already obtained basic professional skills as well as sufficient language skills.The mobilities are aiming on the one hand at enlarged professional skills ( work processes, different materials and plants) and on the other hand at widened linguistic competence as well as at increased personal and communication competences.Our trainees will be placed in well chosen companies responsible for the training and will be integrated in the everyday work routine. The responsible colleagues of our partner schools will be in charge of informing the apprentices about specific training and cultural characteristics.Our trainees will meet fellow students/trainees at our partner schools and will receive detailed insights into the peculiarities of the training systems of the respective country in direct dialogue.We are cooperating with partner schools as host organisations in 3 different member states of the European Union. The partner schools are similar in profile. The cooperation is based on mutuality so that we are a host organisation for our partners, too. The three partner schools are:1. The Lycée du Pflixbourg in Wintzenheim (France): the partnership with this school has existed for over 27 years already.2. The Ceska zahradnicka akademie in Melnik (Czech republic): We are cooperating with this school for 14 years. The cooperation consists of the mobility projects within the vocational training and the carrying out of trinational meetings.3. The Lapland College of Natural Resources in Rovaniemi (Finland): The cooperation has existed since 2003.We are expecting an improved self-esteem and widened professional and social competences of our participants as well as a significantly improved willingness for mobility after the training. We are striving for an improved willingness of companies to include training periods in other european countries into the practical training.The trainees should be encouraged to work and live in other countries and to be open-minded for different forms of cooperation.
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3 Partners Participants