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Auslandspraktika 2017/18 an der Berufsfachschule für Hotelmanagement Pegnitz
Start date: Jul 1, 2016, End date: Jun 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In the Key Activity Internships 2017/18 probably 20 participants from the Vocational College for hotel management Pegnitz will take part from July 2016 up till June 2018. The participants fulfill in the three years term of the Vocational College for hotel management (graduation as “Staatlich geprüfter Fachmann für Euro-Hotelmanagement / Staattlich geprüfte Fachfrau für Euro Hotelmanagement” ) three internships, in total 1,600 working hours in establishments of the upper and highest categories and levels. The Vocational College recommends its participants to do a practical period (18 weeks) in a foreign European country. The objectives of the mobility project are to qualify the participants for the vocational start in international hotels being qualified for the business management, the practical and foreign language qualification. Staying abroad are widely acknowledged application criteria for being employed and are as well important career elements for the professional advancement.The participants of the Vocational College select the destinations and the hotels individually. Concerning the selection and the preparation of the agreement relating to the stay abroad the participants are expected to show a high individual initiative and self-reliance as well. These students can take part in the mobility project who have successfully made a six months long probation in the 1st year. Internal college selection criteria are the exam in the AEVO (state qualified person to train apprentices) and a foreign language certificate on an advanced high European level. There is a need for the travel, accommodation and the period of residence costs, as well for a private liability insurance, a personal accident insurance and a health insurance for the stay abroad. There do not exist any further special requirements.In co-operation with our LoI-partner Hotels Escuela de Canarias S.A. (HECANSA) we are able to provide our participants an intensiv language course and a free connection of suitable training hotels, additionally support to find accommodation and a local support in the training companies. The participants of the Vocational College receive the “Europass-Mobilitätspass” and a qualified certificate concerning the training abroad. They write a weekly internship report expecting a target-oriented monitoring. The monitoring and the evaluation of the internships abroad are made by the Vocational College and the HECANSA. The realization period is from 01. July 2015 until 30. June 2018.Within the activity A2 we apply for 2 teachers of the Vocational College Pegnitz a one week internship (7 days) in hotels to get familiar with the hotels offers and its ways of vocational education and the support of trainees. The stay is also especially used for planning our participants intenships for the subsequent years.
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