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Auslandspartnerschaft Tschechien
Start date: Aug 1, 2014, End date: Jul 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1. Project We intended to start the cooperation between two vocational schools in Bavaria and the Czech Republic in order to learn about intercultural differences, syllabuses of various job related lessons and to enhance the quality of the work done at the schools. Our vice head of school already worked on projects with Vimperk. This project ties in with our other international exchange projects to France and Finland. 2. Aims / Results Our school has been renovated and supplied with state of the art media. Also we have worked on enhancing the quality in regard to teaching, training of staff and pursuing excellence for our school organization (“Quality management in vocational schools”) and aim at continuing to do so with tying in the results of this project. Another key aspect for our school is using modern media in many aspects of work at school. Furthermore we teach our students to be more focused on international aspects of their work life and so to enhance their knowledge and chances on the labour market. With setting up project work, we also signaled to our partners in the system of dual education, the individual companies, that in our region it is also worthwhile to provide chances for students from the East European regions not far from here. In regard to our staff from the media and print department there was a huge gain in knowledge as to the special media equipment at Stredni Skola. Teachers from the departments for Interior Design or Hotel and Catering also benefited by exchanging experience and working together on lesson plans. From this our students also will benefit as their teachers’ knowledge will backwash into the lessons and methods of teaching. Vocational schools in the Czech Republic offer work for companies or households and can/must thus cater to their own financial needs. Another difference we became aware of is that they have to actively advertise as students can freely choose a school they would like to attend. Due to the vast flow of refugees coming to Europe in the last year a concept was developed at Bavarian vocational schools. Our school provides special classes for underage refugees who came to Germany without relatives those became of interest for our partner school. By discussing the concept as well as visiting and attending classes at our school the staff of Stredni Skola Vimperk became more open in their points of view. They stated that they would be open to work at a similar concept for their school. 3. Number and profile of the participants In 3 flows a total of 8 colleagues participated in the project. Some were teachers who already participated in international exchange programs and some who had not before. The teachers came from the departments interior design, media, hotel and catering. Small problems came up with the sub-project “renovation of a historical building”. They were mainly related to the cooperation between our partner school and the town of Vimperk for receiving the necessary permits for this process. Therefore some of the flows had to be curbed and to be continued at a different time. But in the end all aims were achieved as intended. 4. Activities * Cultural activities, getting to know the area and the people living there, providing a preliminary language course. * Presentation of both vocational schools, getting to know the staff of our partner school. * Planning the project of renovation a historical building in Vimperk – by doing so tap into the knowledge of each colleague who was taking part and thus enhancing the knowledge of everyone. * Job shadowing in lessons, also at the part of school for students with special needs – learning from the colleagues, teaching lessons in German in classes of the Stredni Skola Vimperk * working in teams with the Czech colleagues for setting up lesson plans and new teaching materials * Attending a job-related trade fair in Budweis (CZ) where our partner school advertised for new pupils in a very innovative way. * visiting work places * taking part in projects at the Stredni Skola related to internships 5. Project management Before travelling to Vimperk: preparing the participants, setting up check lists especially for learning outcomes, strategies for trouble shooting During the project: keeping contact to the participants, providing support while there, organizing the program, documentation of knowledge gained After the stay: evaluation of results, dissemination 6. Results, benefits and sustainability Achievement of objectives intended, supporting the internalization strategy of both schools, huge gain of knowledge for the teachers which will then result in an impact on our students’ professional development, boost of economic cooperation of both regions close to the respective border, sustainability for our work on pursuing excellence for students, staff and school organization, strenghtening the will to provide oppportunities to include students with special needs into the classes at vocational schools
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