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Aufbruch in die Zukunft - Die Kernsanierung als Basis einer modernen Unterrichtsmethodik
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Background of the project:The aim of our school, the Paul-Klee-Gymnasium in Gersthofen, is and has always been to adopt school life to the rapidly changing circumstances of our society and to prepare our pupils for a working world that is steadily becoming more international. However, an evaluation carried out by a governmental committee in 2015 showed that our school has to improve in the field of teaching methodology. Moreover, it found out that our school has to cope with increasing numbers of pupils who want to attend our open and compulsary all-time classes. Apart from that the governmental committee also pointed out that our school building is far too old and too small to come to terms with the circumstances mentioned above. Therefore the adminstration decided to redevelop and enlarge our school building which offers us the unique chance to project an innovative school building with up-to-date classrooms that enable a modern teaching methology based on the demands of our pupils. In order to be able to focus that challenge our head of school has set up two working teams whose task it is to outline different options and scenarios for such a school building. One basic element of their work is meant to be ERASMUS+ Key Action 1 in order to learn from European partners and to get an insight in the teaching methodology of other European schools and countries.Aims:Our main aim is to improve the quality of education at our school by offering our pupils tuition that focuses on individual training, differentiated teaching and lessons that create motivating speech promts. For these purposes we need to have a learning environment that supports those aims. This means that our teachers are supposed to expand their knowledge both in the fields of the architecture of modern and innovative school buildings and in the field of modern teaching methodology. This implies a broader and deeper knowledge and experience in the usage of new media for our staff. Besides the visits of schools from abroad are meant to enhance the command of English of our teachers who are designated to give bilingual classes. Let alone the intercultural value and the opportunity for our pupils to benefit from the transfer of European contacts and values. Activities:It has become clear to us that our aims can only be reached if we make use of the knowledge and experience of those educational systems which are considered to be the leading ones in Europe.According to PISA these are the Scandinavian countries whose success can not only be ascribed to innovative learning environments but also to a modern methodology where the pupils take the centre. That is the reason why the main acitvities are three advanced training courses in Sweden, Finland and Iceland with an emphasis on the two core tasks which are redevolping a school building and improving teaching methodology.In addition to that “job shadowing” with one of the schools in these countries will be undertaken.Participants:Participants in this project will be members of two working teams dealing with redeveloping our school building as well as improving methods of teaching and studying. As these working teams have already been established at our school according to criteria set up by the administration, the future participants will already be well-experienced in their respective subject areas and will thus be able to deepen and extend their knowledge in attending the advanced training courses.Project work:Our head of school appointed a coordination team that will control the project as well as organise all staff mobility. The main activities will be carried out throughout the school year 2016/2017. Therefore, the working teams will constantly benefit from newly gained experience and knowledge, which help to enhance their work. Furthermore, training courses and visiting national exhibitions, fairs and schools will individually prepare the participants for their mobility activities. As both working teams have taken over distinct responsibilities and areas of competence, each participant can establish their precise aims for the project. This ensures efficient and productive results, which will constantly be evaluated.Results, positive effects and long-term benefits:We envision our school as a model in terms of innovative building standards as well as providing modern and contemporary teaching methods in order to prepare our pupils for life and the working world.Moreover, we expect to benefit considerably and lastingly from sharing our knowledge with further schools, external partners and the public.

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