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Audzēkņu prakse un skolas personāla pieredzes apmaiņa Vācijā un Portugālē
Start date: Aug 1, 2016, End date: Jul 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Aizkraukle Vocational School is a state-founded vocational education institution, located in Zemgale region. The school is accredited before 1 October 2021. AizkrauklesVocational Secondary School project involves school students in learning mobility and school staff mobility. The overall objective of the project is to acquire new professional skills, abilities and competencies that contribute to an individual's personal and professional growth.The project will involve young people who have so far not been able to practice abroad, but it would be very necessary professional qualifications, competence and thereby strengthening the competitiveness as well as personal growth and development. This activity relates to the school curricula and training plans. The students will go in practical training in Portugal and Germany.The project will involve 4 car mechanics, 4 carpenters , 4 construction and road construction machinery mechanics and 10 food service specialists. Students mobility goal is to help initial vocational education for learners to better master the chosen profession of the practical side, strengthening their professional competence, practical knowledge and skills to enable them to get acquainted with foreign countries enforced the working methods and techniques used in technology and various facilities joinery, workshop, road construction and catering establishments. It's definitely going to build young people's level of knowledge and broaden the understanding of the profession. Undoubtedly an important role will be to gain work experience. All this will also facilitate their entry into the European labor market.The project aims at the feeder connected with young people's personal growth - to improve students' language skills and communication skills, in consultation with the heads of practices in companies will need to use the English language skills. Able to speak and use of existing language skills will improve students' language skills in general and motivate students in-depth learning of foreign languages. In addition, the mobility of learners will be able to meet during the German and Portuguese languages.The aim to staff mobility is to improve and diversify the school teaching staff methodological knowledge and skills as well as gain a broader understanding of the various methods of education systems in Europe. This mobility would allow to understand better now very topical question of "work-based learning environment." Personnel exchange of experience will take part in 1of the teacher education program "Mechanical Sciences", 1 of the teacher education program "Catering services", 1 deputy director of practical training, one project manager and director of the school.Project participants will be selected by previously approved selection criteria.Result of the project the students will gain experience working overseas in industry. In turn, staff will gain new methodological knowledge and experience that will enable the introduction of school development.Proktä for participation, each participant will receive a Europass Mobility certificate.
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