AU - Developing and Delivering a Graduate Certific..
AU - Developing and Delivering a Graduate Certificate in International Studies (Hospitality)
Start date: Nov 1, 2009,
This project aims to develop and deliver an international curriculum at the graduate certificate level,accredited in Australia, with the potential to also gain accreditation in the European Union (EU). This projectwill focus on hospitality students who have completed either a vocational or higher education qualification andwould like to continue to study at a higher level and gain an international perspective of their industry area.The EU and Australian partners will work together to develop an Innovative international course. Eachpartner will then take the lead or co-lead to develop online and hard copy resources for one unit which theywill then deliver at their institute to 15 - 30 students.The course will consist of units that are generic enough so that they can be contextualised for other studyareas in future to ensure the sustainability of the exchange experience and enhance/extend the partnershipsdeveloped as part of this project.
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