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Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ERASMUS+ project of Flora Tristan Lycée adds value to European projects for its BAC PRO sections, especially as the Lycée provides trainings such as: - Aeronautical Franco-German section. -Spanish European-section for “Cooking” and for “Catering service-and-marketing “. A central point of our Lycée establishment-project is the dynamics implemented to promote success for all students, to facilitate their working-world integration, to increase their language skills, their open-mindedness, their capacity for adaptation and furthermore to enhance the image of the vocational Lycée. The project plans scholarship applications for «student mobility» as part of compulsory internship for BAC PRO. These applications are relative to: - internships for 15 Aeronautical BAC PRO students from 2nd and final year of baccalaureate, aiming a 8-week internship in Germany. (2 mobilities per student over a 3-year BAC training). - internships for 12 BAC PRO in Cooking and in Catering service-and-marketing, from 2nd and final year of baccalaureate, aiming a 4 to 8 weeks of internship on Marketing and on Health Prevention and Safety according to the targeted diploma and to the referential requirements. (1 mobility per student over a 3-year BAC training). The project plans also scholarship applications for «teacher mobility»: - Relative to student internships mentioned above, to insure the setting in, the supervision, the evaluation on- site: Spain and Germany; and return to France. - To meet vocational-training requirements and wishes for teachers from European section mentioned above, as for language than for vocational fields (acquisition of know-how relative to the country, ideas/knowledge sharing, comparison of procedures and standards relative to the country...) and teaching skills (spotting of differences, tools from receiving country, audio video and technical equipment recovery in country of origin for practical work and “DNL”...). The whole of mobility projects will enable to provide a European-opening high-quality training aiming bilingualism, to facilitate student working-world integration (by getting EUROPASS) and student fulfilment within a vocational Lycée. Besides, competences, essential and appreciated qualities such as adaptability, open-mindedness and mobility will be developed. Finally, by complying with the establishment-project focussed towards European education, this project will enhance the image of the Lycée (by getting specific BAC or European Section BAC ) with dynamic actions achieved abroad by the pedagogical teams while working differently and setting-up leading-edge and stimulating educational methods.

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