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Au coeur de la péninsule
Start date: Aug 1, 2015, End date: Oct 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In this project we have 3 young people involve in the EVS. - In Portugal at Peniche (associacao Juvenil Peniche) for 2 young people, one in october 2015 and one in november 2015 for 33 days each. They will be involve in activities for children at school. - In Portugal at Peniche (associacao Juvenil Peniche) for 1 young people in february 2016 for 5 months. They will be involve in activities for children at school and during the holidays in summer camps. Work's methodology : Involvment of the young in the profesional team that give the opportunity to discover the organisation. The young people is learning directly the reality of the organisation. -Short term : During the EVs the young people is in the discovering of the international mobility and frequently of the invovlment. Reinforced mentorship are in place to help them. - Long term : The young people are more implicate in doing action. The team of the organisation have to help him. takin : risck, autonomy and responsability are the basis of our methodology to young people in EVS believes in themeselve. All of this action gives the opportunity of the young people to learn new competencies, discover the europe diversity, have funny time and share experiencies with the others people. The EVS takes an important place in the young people way, and adds value. The main objectives is preparing them to a best social and profesional integration. This EVS missions reinforce the patnerships between the organisations of young and pratics exchange about europe mobility. Europe gives a sens to the humans values.

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