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Attention to Warning And Readiness in Emergencies (AWARE)
Start date: Jan 31, 2005, End date: Dec 30, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

AWARE is laying the foundations for European standards on cross-border disaster relief by developing a set of guidelines that can be used in many different situations. The partners are considering how to deal with natural disasters, such as flooding; combinations of natural and man-made disasters, such as oil spills from petrol tankers; and purely man-made disasters such as criminal or terrorist acts. Achievements: Achievements so far With the final conference on the 30th of November 2007 in Ghent, Belgium, the Aware project came to an end. The message of the project was to learn about emergencyplanning together. This is something that the 10 participating regions have done extremely well - in particular the province of East-Flanders (BE), the province of West-Flanders(BE), Essex County(UK), Kent County (UK), Bihor County (RO), Arad County (RO), Hajdú-Bihar County (HU), Taurage County (LT), City of Sovetsk (Rus. Fed) and the Province of Zeeland (NL). Despite the differences in culture and approach the project achieved fine results. After three years of cooperation the project partners met for the final time in Terneuzen and Ghent in order the discuss the final results. There were meetings of the steering committee, of the three different working committees and a combined final conference of the AWARE and AWARE+ project on the 30th of November. The focus of the Aware-project was on awareness, communication and transnational cooperation in crossborder regions in case of both natural and man-made disasters. The steering committee discussed the achieved results of the AWARE-project: The working committee risk communication has designed sustainable communication campaigns for children and professionals. The Virtual Crisis Management work group has set up an internet application with which people can communicate with each other via a virtual chatroom, Voice-over IP systems, webcams, email etc... in order to make rapid contact and make agreements in emergency planning across borders. The working committee Quality Assurance has developed concepts, municipal standards and a tool that ca be used throughout Europe in order to guarantee the quality of your mangement system for emergency planning. On the 10th of October 2007 the additional programme AWARE+ started with a conference in Terneuzen about floodings and evacuations. Speakers shones their light on these subjects in very different ways. A real evacuation pilot took place on the 28th of 2007, More than 500 inhabitants from the municipalities of Terneuzen (NL) en Zelzate (BE) evacuated to the Puyenbroeck-domein in East-Flanders.
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  • 48.4%   718 983,08
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
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9 Partners Participants