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Atlantic Salmon Arc Project 2 (ASAP 2)
Start date: Oct 31, 2006, End date: Jun 29, 2008 PROJECT  FINISHED 

ASAP 2 is an international project, which will focus on the protection of habitats specifically to preserve biodiversity, restore degraded landscaped, protect ecological networks and rehabilitate land. The project will use methods developed in the project 040 ASAP 1 to deliver targeted land management, wetland management and river management. Protection and improvement measures for salmonid enhancement will, in turn, deliver concurrent benefits to regions. These benefits will be environmental – regions will have better water quality and quantity in rivers and coastal regions leading to improved water habitat for all species; economic – land and wetland management advice will permit landowners to improve environmental practice; and cultural through the protection of traditional industries and activities which help reinforce the distinct identity of the Atlantic Area. Achievements: ✔ Use of genetic tools to evaluate the structure of salmon populations and the key areas for recovery. - Capture of specimens followed by a study of the genetic structure of salmon populations. - Creation of a reproduction cycle in an artificial incubator. - Genetic analysis of samples of tissues from specimens raised in an incubation tank. - Communications on the history of the Atlantic salmon. - Investigation into the value of restoring wetlands to prevent pollution, protect water resources and for carbon compensation. - Installation of 30 Helixors in the upper Tamar to oxygenate the water. - Creation of management plans for agricultural operations alongside bodies of water: tests on soil fertility, separation between clean water and water polluted with silage, mud, etc. Creation and restoration of ponds (inclusion of farmers in project). - Extended and improved restoration of wetlands. - Carrying out of environmental surveys. ✔ Monitoring the risk of pollution of pools, damage to habitats and the nearest salmon spawning grounds. - Construction of fish corridors allowing rest areas for salmonides to be created. - Use of electric fishing as a method of study. - Creation of a map of the bed of the Tamar river and its banks showing the risk of damage to water resources and to biodiversity. ✔ Study aiming to identify methods of stocking cultivated fish in order to support wild salmon populations. - Creation of a document setting out limits, in order to implement safety measures. - Identification of differential broodstock contribution to the genetic variability of Atlantic salmon eggs. ✔ Organisation of an international meeting on the salmon network in order to incorporate the new French members and to exchange information and methods. ✔ Restoration of damaged salmon spawning grounds. Use of regional methods to rehabilitate spawning grounds followed by an exchange of experiences and methods between partners. - Surveys, targeting and restoration activities throughout the project, evaluation of the quantity, quality and location of salmon. - Surveys focusing on activities to restock the Tamar river, construction of salmon spawning grounds. ✔ Agricultural planning through the use of best practices and exchange of information. Exchange of experience in the development of pilot projects to restore areas damaged by intensive farming. Consultation activities have been carried out since November 2006. ✔ Creation of three international seminars: a launch seminar for partners and associates, a seminar to set overall objectives and a third one on progress and dissemination of the project. ✔ Information and communication: - Websites: The ASAP2 project created a website in 2006, allowing the project’s development to be followed. This may be accessed at the following address: and is in English, Spanish, Portuguese and French. - Documents produced: In total, 1,000 brochures and 4,000 leaflets have been distributed. A DVD has also been produced and 50 copies distributed. - Publicity in the media: - An article appeared in Aquaculture scientific journal in 2008 and over 20 press articles have been published. - Major events: The project has organised two seminars directly and it has also taken part in one seminar organised by others.

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  • 55.1%   801 193,02
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

5 Partners Participants