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Atención a la Diversidad VS Fracaso Escolar
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

DIVERSITY ATTENTION VS SCHOOL FAILURE The College of Education and Primary Santa Marina is located in a suburb of the city of Badajoz, that schooling for 471 pupils aged between 3 and 12 years old, from eight different nationalities with students with specific educational needs. In this center is essential diversity and coexistence as a basic element of the educational process. In our center, there are 48 people between teachers and non-teaching work. Participants in this project are teachers accredited in the field of early education and concern enhance good educational practices and give a European dimension to their teaching experience. The main objective of this project is to understand how other European countries apply the EU regulations regarding attention to diversity as an element of preventing failure and dropout. The proposed activities to achieve the project objectives are: participation in the Permanent Seminar Erasmus + CPR Badajoz, partner search by etwinning platform, training courses abroad, Job Shadowing and participation in various digital platforms. The methodology of this project is horizontal, participatory, democratic and open to all sectors of education and committed to publicize their results (before, during and after activities) to all environment and community center. Another aspect of the methodology is inclusiveness, which guides students and builds their own knowledge using ICT as a useful tool in generating meaningful learning, it will serve to increase your motivation and autonomy thus preventing school failure and therefore its future incorporation into the European labor market. The expected results derived from this project are: the introduction to the Educational Project (regarding the adquisition and development of key competencies); teacher planning (Annual General Programming); and assessing both students and teaching practice, aiming to reach the leaders mentioned in the European Framework of Educational Matters. The observation activity Job Shadowing allows teachers to adquire new visions and educational practices that may be transferred to our center and share with the rest of the educational community. Likewise, the training activities enrich the theoretical knowledge of teachers, exchange educational experiences in other European countries moving them to the classroom and school environment. The use of digital platforms as key elements for the elimination of borders and support for mobility between countries, such as long-term benefit.

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