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Atbalsts inovācijas pieejai Daugapils Krievu vidusskolā-licejā
Start date: Jun 1, 2014, End date: May 31, 2016 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Project "Support in Innovative Experience at Daugavpils Russian Secondary School - Lyceum" aims at achieving three main school development and modernisation goals: a) modern education management skills acquisition b) CLIL approach implementation improvement c) Learners’ creative thinking skills development According to these goals the courses have been chosen, which during two year period will be attended by 12 teachers, 8 of whom will have an opportunity to acquire a two-level programme which will ensure professional knowledge and skills development, targeted new technology theoretical knowledge implementation in practice and will give an opportunity to discuss the acquired knowledge with colleagues from other European countries. The selected courses give an opportunity to deepen knowledge about learners’ thinking peculiarities, to improve the skills of problem identification, description and solution, which will help teachers in learners’ research work management, to expand the teacher’s horizon and mindset, which is necessary to identify and solve problems in real life. The project will bring together teachers of different subjects who work with learners of different age groups, which will help to achieve the main lyceum development goals in education. The Project will promote multilateral cooperation in teaching, promoting innovation and creating the environment for sharing positive experience. Alongside with this it will affect teaching and learning achievements, implementation of the lyceum development plan and further development of the educational institution. During the project implementation stage the following activities will be held a) experience sharing seminars at the level of the school, town, state b) open lessons filming and discussions c) creation of new teaching materials and their piloting d) sharing with the materials on different professional web pages, including e-Twinning system pages e) description of the process of the new methods implementation on-line f) the exchange of the description of the new methods implementation on Professional websites, including e-Twinning system pages. These activities will ensure that the participants of the project will get knowledge and skills necessary for teaching a certain subject, improve the use of foreign language skills, increase professional motivation. Through cooperation with colleagues from schools of different EU countries, the teachers will expand their understanding of European countries and their education systems. This experience will help the teachers to better understand the diversity of the world and peculiarities and importance of their own culture, which will contribute to the development of tolerance.
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