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Start date: Sep 2, 2016, End date: Oct 1, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

1.- CONTEXT: The Consortium of Mobility that promotes the ERASMUS+ Project, “ASTIGI IN EUROPE” consists of the next entities:- City Council of Écija (Coordinator) - “San Fulgencio” - VET school (Sending organisation– Écija)- “Luis Vélez de Guevara”- VET school (Sending organisation – Écija)- EE.PP. Sagrada Familia –Peñaflor Fundation -VET school (sending organisation – Écija)The “ASTIGI IN EUROPE” Project is an initiative of the City Council of Écija. It´s aimed to collaborate with the VET schools in the promotion of joint activities for improving the employability of the local young people.In the other hand, there is an interest of promoting Écija as an Erasmus Plus destination among the VET Schools we are going to contact in this ProjectWe are convinced that the constitution of the MOBILITY CONSORTIUM is the right strategy. Cooperation between the Council and VET schools of the city will have an effect the employment and entrepreneurship policies. Working together, the administration and financial management of the Project will be better and it will be possible to assure that the objects of the project will be achieved.2.- OBJECTIVES OF THE PROJECT AND BENEFICIARIES PROFILES2.1.-GENERAL AND STRATEGIC OBJECTIVES - To strengthen the collaboration paths between the City Council and the VET schools; and between both of them and the labour market, at local and European levels.- To incorporate the EUROPEAN VISION in the educational projects of each school that are included in the Consortium (European Development Plan). To include “MOBILITY” in the training offer of the schools as an effective tool for improve the key competences and aptitudes of the participants.- To use tools for transparency and recognition of competences and qualification at the European level.- To increase the interest of the training offer of each school of the Consortium.2.2.-OBJETIVOS ESPECÍFICOS- 39 Training periods of 90 days in companies from ITALY (30) and CZECH REPUBLIC (8) for STUDENTS of the last year of their VET training that must do an obligatory period of training in companies (FCT) and Recent Graduates.- 6 Training Periods for the STAFF of 5 days in VET schools of ITALY (3) and CZECH REPUBLIC (3) (JOB SHADOWING)3.- METHODOLOGY An agent of the Ciyy Council of Écija heads the Management Team of the Consortium. The Council is the Coordinator and Applicant of the Project.The relevant decisions will be taken by the Management Team. In the “Document of Management and Coordination” are detailed tasks and responsibilities assumed by each partner, having in mind their experiences and know how.The main KEY ACTIVITY of the project is to achieve the perfect match between profiles and training needs of the participants and the real activities developed in the host companies. The Intermediary entities in the destination cities will strengthen the actuation of the Mobility Tutors in the sending organisations, and helping them in the logistic organisation of the stays.4.- ACTIVITIES: Implementation period: 01/09/16 – 30/09/17- Divulgation actions to lure participants.- Selection process of participants.- Preparation actions before the stays.- Training periods abroad: * Students (Obligatory training period previous to achieve the official certification of their VET Training course) and Recent Graduates: 11/03/17 – 26/06/17 * Staff: 01/04/17 – 26/06/17 - Continuous and Final Evaluation of each flow of mobilities.- Final assessment of the Project.- Dissemination of results and closing activities.5.- RESULTS IMPACT-Coordinator of the Project: Development of an specific protocol for the management of mobility European projects. Strengthen of the relations between the local government and the VET schools of Écija.- Students and recent Graduates: impact in the cultural, personal, academic and professional level, in short and long term. Objectives: the insertion rate of the participants will be 50% higher than in others that have not participate in mobilities. The 90% of the students will recommend the Erasmus+ Experience as a right way to improve the abilities and competence to access to the labour market.- Staff: impact in the cultural, personal, academic and professional level. Improvement of the quality of the training tought.- Consortium: increasing its network of more that European entities.6.- DISSEMINATION: COMMUNICATION PLAN developed by the Management team of the Consortium, headed by the City Council of Écija. This is a KEY ACTIVITY of the Project.7.- LONG TERM PROFITS. SUSTAINABILITY: The opinions made by participants about the Erasmus+ Experience, could encourage other young people to be interested in travelling and learning abroad with the Erasmus+ Programme.

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