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Assistant in European Trade and Marketing 2014
Start date: Jul 1, 2014, End date: Jun 30, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The "Berufsbildungszentrum Grevenbroich", a vocational school near Düsseldorf and Colgone, offers a one year additional qualifikation course "Assistant in European Trade and Marketing". This course aims at trainees in wholesale and foreign trade but is open to all other commercial trainees, too. In order to reach the qualification the students attend classes in the evening and on Saturday mornings (a total of 240 hours ). There are three subjects each a 80 hour course : English, a second foreign language (French/Spanisch) and International Marketing. A three to four week internship in a different European country is the final step to reach the qualifikation. The five participants 2014 are trainees in the electronic (computer/mobile phones), steel, tobacco and cash and carry wholesale. They are in their first and second year. After the students have been prepared in weekly sessions in language, business and information about Irish life and culture. They will fly to Irland in July accompanied by the teachers: Petra Vendt (English), Birte Wagner (French/Spanish) and Kathrin Meurer (International Marketing/ Project coordination). The first day they will start their internship at the Joe Duffy Motor Group in Dublin, our longterm partner in the Leonardo-da-Vinci Programme. There will be a meeting with Marguerte Aherne , HR manager and project coordinator in Ireland. They will be assinged to a staff member of the Joe Duffy Motor Group for their internship. Now the theoretical background acquired by the course "Assistant in European Trade and Marketing" will be filled with life. The students will learn about practical marketing aspects in the Joe Duffy enterprise which has been elected Best Managed Company 2013 by Deloitte, the international consulting company . The students will write a blog about their intership to document their impressions. Back in Germay they will have a presentation of their internship in English. They will address the headmaster, their employers, their schoolmates and the local press. The internship in Ireland will enhance their selfconciousness, their communication skills and their abilitiy to understand and to adapt to foreign cultures. In the long run the students will more likely start a lifelong learning process. Europe growing together there will be a stronger focus on language and cultural skills acquired abraod , especially in the field of wholesale and foreign trade.

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