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Assessing Multiple Intelligence Performance in Vocational Students

Based on the results of a previously funded Leonardo project, this project takes the measurement of 'Multiple Intelligence' (MI) and applies it to VET students. The project will develop a model for teachers to assess students' performances, with respect to established VET curricula, based upon alternative measurements of intelligence. For example, intelligence will be measured using visual or musical expression, personal relation abilities and kinaesthetic ability. To this end, the model will address and test for differences in MI profiles between men and women. In addition, the model will use methods that directly reflect labour market needs whilst, at the same time, increasing different groups' access to and employability in the labour market. The project will begin with a comparative analysis of vocational assessment systems in the partner countries, and will investigate existing MI assessment methods in schools with the aim of transferring these to VET. A strong emphasis will be placed on gender differences and MI assessment. The project partners will also conduct a needs analysis of the labour market with respect to assessment criteria, the results of which will assist the project partners in developing an MI model and accompanying assessment tools. The assessment tools/model will be tested before being finalised. Based on the test results, a CD-Rom of MI methods and 'best practices' will be produced as a resource tool for teachers. The project will have its own website providing information on the various stages of project development. A written presentation of the project's results will be used to promote alternative MI assessment and will be used as a tool to campaign for European recognition of MI testing in VET.

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21 Partners Participants