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Asiantuntijaryhmä Brysseliin! Kokemusasiantuntijat ja palveluiden käyttäjät mukaan vammaispalvelujen yhteiskehittämiseen
Start date: Oct 1, 2016, End date: Sep 30, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The Service Foundation for People with an Intellectual Disability develops and produces services all over Finland. Our aim is to promote inclusion and support active citizenship.Our group of experts consists of people with intellectual disabilities who participate in developing the operations and services. We think that it is important for people with intellectual disabilities to be heard and for their views and experiences to be taken into account when planning our work.The European Association of Service providers for Persons with Disabilities celebrates its 20th anniversary and organise a policy conference in Brussels on October 19th-20th The theme of the conference is co-production. The policy conference aims at bringing together Service providers from across Europe, Persons with disabilitiesMembers of the European Parliament, European Commission’s officials and International experts with special attention to co-production as an important means in which to ensure that support services are in line with the UN CRPD. We wish to implement the project, because - we wish to develop our strategy through co-production and support the international principle ""Nothing about us, without us"- we wish to give an international experience to our expert group members on advocacy, EU-policy, co-production and european co-operation- we wish to support the european citizenship of the expert group members
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