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Asia as a Challenge for the European Union
Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project contributes to stimulating knowledge on the European integration by mainstreaming and diversifying EU-related subjects throughout the curricula proposed by University of Lodz to their students. It aims at creation one new course for master students entitled “Asia in the EU’s Foreign Policy” and to develop introductory course for undergraduate ”European integration”. Both courses are going to be “gamified”, so game-like mechanisms (such as points, tasks, leaderboards, badges etc.) are applied to existing content to improve students experience. The teaching activities are research-based and will result in preparing, together with students, two e-publications. The first, aimed at secondary school pupils, is going to introduce them to the process of European Integration in a way that is attractive for the people in their age. The second is going to be the first Polish academic publication comprehensively cover the EU policy towards Asian countries and taking into account not only European level but also growing importance of subnational governments (regions) that develop their relations with Asian partners in the framework of the EU. This topic of paradiplomacy of European regions with relation to Asian partners is going to be researched during the project implementation. Introduction of the new teaching methods (gamified learning environment), new and improved courses will help to develop and enrich the European dimension of the faculty, stimulate research and reflection on European integration and prepare students to work in institutions dealing with EU issues.Publications developed in a framework of the project, are going to be presented at University of Lodz’s web site in open access.

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