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Start date: Sep 1, 2015, End date: Aug 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Our collaborative project consists of 9 schools. Our partners include experienced international collaborators and first timers! It is has been asserted by all partners that their students exhibit a tendency to lose interest in learning and schooling in general and that more innovative practices and methodologies have to be adopted. Our proposal focuses on the systematic integration of Arts and the ICTs in our school programs with a view to promoting motivation, creativity, the European dimension and foreign language learning. The proposal entails working on two levels: On the first level students will be collaborating locally and transnationally to study different forms of Art and to create artifacts. There will be peer tutoring and students from one country are planned to teach the students of another through the methodology of the flipped classroom and the exchange of videos. On the second level the teachers of each country will be specializing in a specific field ( using Arts to teach numeracy and literacy to children with special needs, to develop environmental awareness, for students' peer and self evaluation, for self expression and development and for working across the curriculum and therefore for curricula and teacher development). When a school’s turn comes to host teachers from their 8 partner schools, they will present a workshop that will show the guest teachers how the researched methodology applies in practice in the host school. Communication and cooperation among the partner schools will be realized with the e-mail, the e-twinning platform, the Erasmus noticeboards and the schools websites. The language of communication will be English but the participants are expected to learn some very basic vocabulary from the native languages of the participating schools. There will be three project meetings, each one in the beginning of each of the three years. The main purpose of these meetings will be to plan activities but also to present and to evaluate the ones that have been carried out. There will be three joint stuff training events, where the participating teaches will be exchanging ideas, practices and methodologies explored throughout the project. Last, there will be three learning activities for students, where there will be activities and events. In each one of the nine transnational meetings there will be Arts exhibitions, open to the public so that there can be dissemination. Some of the products that will be created include: a common project webpage, posters, power point presentations, brochures, a common project logo, paintings, paper sculptures, clay models, sculptures, engraved artifacts, collages, videos in the English language, a common Christmas calendar, glossaries etc. The expected results are: Effective cooperation between the partner schools, involvement of students in different forms and techniques of Art, developing creativity, foreign language learning, raising pupils’ motivation and confidence, skills improvement in Maths and in Physics through Arts and Music, developing 21st century skills and media literacy, European awareness, intercultural competence and motivation for life long learning. The participating schools have already started getting prepared for the project. There have been two preparatory visits in Athens 2014 and Venice 2015, where the coordinators met and agreed the content and the technicalities of the proposed project. This is the second time the project has been submitted to the Cypriot National Agency (last year it was the runner up) and the feedback we received has been seriously been taken into consideration (We are thankful for this feedback). As regards budget control and time management, there has been commitment from all school coordinators that there will be monitoring and planning on a monthly basis. The evaluation of the project will be ongoing and will be based on quantitative and qualitative criteria. Questionnaires and interviews are the main tools that will be used to collect data. Dissemination is a field we have paid special attention. The videos we will produce for the flipped classroom and the Arts exhibitions will be the main tools for disseminating knowledge and experiences. Furthermore, our products will be available in the school websites as well as in the project website. It should be mentioned that the hard copies of the album we will produce and the glossaries will be sent to our National Agencies and be offered to other schools. To close this summary, we need to refer to the charity event we will organize in Cyprus to provide help to people in need and to explain that one of our priorities is to focus our students’ attention to humanitarian education. As a last comment let us repeat that our ultimate goal is to encourage our students be involved in artistic exploration that will inspire their love for the human being and education.
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8 Partners Participants