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Start date: Oct 20, 2014, End date: Oct 19, 2015 PROJECT  FINISHED 

There will be 4 vocational secondary schools in the project- Vyšší odborná škola uměleckoprůmyslová a Střední uměleckoprůmyslová škola, Praha, Czech Republic, Birmingham metropolitan College, UK, Escola Artística de Soares dos Reis, Porto,Portugal and Itä-Savon koulutuskuntayhtymä, Savonlinna, Finland 18 students of applied art will take part in mobilities. UK – 6 pupils in the department of Graphic Design Portugal – 4 pupils in the department of Graphic Design and 4 pupils in the department of Design of Furniture and Interior Finland - 4 pupils in the department of Stage Design Main objectives of the project: 1. The project is to motivate the participants to learn new practical knowledge and skills – the focus is on subject matter of the scholarship and its connection with the branch which participants study 2. The project shall also increase attractiveness of professional education within our country and the EU. There will always be a need for skilled specialists in applied arts. 3. Support and motivation to study foreign languages. Pupils have an opportunity to gain and practise specific vocabulary and they realize necessity of further studies of languages. 4. An opportunity to obtain Europass is motivating for pupils and important for their further studies and entering the labour market within the EU. Proficiency in arts and crafts develops aesthetic knowledge and abilities, which create a view on art as such. We would like to compare the means and methods of initial vocational art education and training practised in three EU member countries and enable our pupils to gain experience in professional scholarship with practical training. We would like to give them the opportunity to gain information about conditions in the labor market, about living abroad and studying within the EU . We want to develop quality and innovation in the area of vocational education through international cooperation within the EU
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3 Partners Participants