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artnership in sustainable development in the fields of recycling, miniaturization and reduction of waste production (PREMI)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Dec 30, 2006 PROJECT  FINISHED 

In regions where the industrial context is traditionally orientated towards declining sectors like coal, steel, agriculture, fishing or armaments, it is necessary to aid development, competitiveness and sustainability for SMEs. In this framework, the PREMI project proposes to supply the enterprises of the Atlantic Area with aid in terms of technology and infrastructure to allow them to make the necessary adaptations. The development of a partnership orientated to innovatory technologies will make it possible to create an international network of local centres specialised in research, innovation and technological transfer. This network will contribute to promoting and developing a new industrial sector based on the creation and exploitation of a high level of knowledge, especially in the fields of recycling, miniaturisation and the reduction of waste. Achievements: Identification of "technology translators", an internal network for the project of 5 resource people liaising with companies Training programme for SMEs Demonstrations of the technologies (miniaturisation, recyclability and waste reduction) Research with a view to drafting a scientific report to be published at a later date Visits to companies Technology audits and pilot projects Development of long-term research and development projects Workshops to disseminate the results of the project to SMEs, machine tool companies, academics and professional associations Quarterly meetings of the "technology translators" resource people Dissemination of 100 CDs "Micro manufacturing the knowledge gap" in Ireland Publication and distribution of 1,000 Brochures Newsletter (6 x 1000 copies) Project website to provide information to target companies: 1. 2. articles in Business in Wales November 2006 and July 2007 Seminar Micro manufacturing the knowledge gap in Ireland - July 2005
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  • 56.5%   1 289 124,00
  • 2000 - 2006 Atlantic Area
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

4 Partners Participants