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artners4action (Partners4action)

As one of the first approved thematic networks,Partners4Action has a very specific theme focussingon Public Private Partnerships in urban regeneration.The lead partner city, Liverpool, has significant experiencein this theme and wanted to share this and learn from othercities experiences.The P4A network firstly undertook a baseline study to assessthe immediate needs of the partners to then allow themto further develop their understanding of PPP. This entailedgathering comparative data from the partner cities on theirperceptions of PPP and their current usage of PPP in orderto adopt a common framework to be used for the durationof the network. In addition to the baseline study a glossaryof terms was created to ensure that in the exchange anddiscussions all the partners had the same understandingof what was being debated. This defined key concepts suchas urban regeneration and PPP itself.The main activity of the network focussed on the developmentand analysis of PPP case studies, based on the practicalexperiences of the partners in undertaking projects intheir cities. These ranged from individual buildings throughto large scale area based regeneration schemes and the useof a template format allowed the partners to identify commonfeatures, issues, and characteristics that would of interestand value to other regeneration practioners.The network produced a practitioners guide illustratingresults and case studies which will be useful to otherEuropean cities considering Public Private partnerships.A CDROM is included within the report which explains in moredetail the case studies and also outlines in full the baselinestudy. Achievements: Please refer to the 'Description' field, which also includes the achievements of this project.

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  • 50%   410 000,00
  • 2000 - 2006 URBACT I
  • Project on KEEP Platform

13 Partners Participants