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articipatory Spatial Planning in Europe (PSPE)
Start date: Dec 31, 2003, End date: Jun 29, 2007 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The overall objective is to improve spatial information exchanges in participatory regional planning through renewed interactive approaches that make use of geo-visualisation. The operation seeks to bring into practice innovations relating to regional planning, e-government and ICT. The added-value of this operation is to make geo-visualisation and communication approaches feasible and accessible in diverse regional and cultural settings, consolidating existing knowledge and accelerating the transfer and renewal of these approaches. Achievements: Achievements so far The PSPE project is finished. The project started with a kick-off meeting. The partners set up a common framework for knowledge exchange, for approaches of doing and for project goals and objectives. During the project the partners have met on a regular base during 7 TPG meetings and 12 interregional bilateral working visits. Apart from the meetings much written (email) and verbal (phone calls) communication took place. Project management was carried out by DLG. By regularly visiting and contacting the partners and by individual sessions during TPG meetings, DLG facilitated, connected and advised the partners when necessary. An expert panel carefully monitored the progress. The first part of the project was characterized by development of technology. In collaboration with knowledge institutes, the project developed 'Approaches for Doing' in 5 regional case studies. The cases are located in 5 countries and all deal with participatory spatial planning: artistic designs are placed in an interactive visualization tool to rouse dialogue (NL) in an exhibition, visited by over 1.000 stakeholders in 28 interactive workshops; an educational module about the case was put online reaching at least 2.000 schoolchildren. The interaction with 2.000 children discussing about environmental and civic issues through a mobile 'Virtual Flight Kiosk' in Barreiro (PT) was evaluated; Girona (ES) demonstrated the fly-over tool to different agents and schools. Polish partners (PL) have managed to convince the Masovian authorities to practice participatory planning. In Zondereigen (BE) an innovative public website with different geo-visualizations serves to interact with stakeholders about regional developments, their results were implemented organization wide via an advisory board. Partners shared experiences and techniques during 70 (inter) regional meetings. The implementations resulted in various exhibitions and public fairs, educational programs, a congress, interactive websites, scientific and non-scientific articles and media coverage. Nearly 100.000 citizens, schoolchildren and professionals have been reached. During the whole project, but especially during the last phase, the focus was on dissemination of knowledge. The knowledge institutes translated the approaches in documents, presentations and congress papers in the field of geo-visualization and decision-support. Since the start of the project 37 articles/publications and 2 newsletters have been published. All partners contributed to the PSPE handbook describing best practices, the theory, concepts, implementation and evaluation of the applied approaches in cases studies. In May 2007 a congress was organized in Portugal, Barreiro (24-05-2007). Nearly 200 interested professionals from different countries joined.
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  • 55.1%   1 126 172,40
  • 2000 - 2006 Interreg IIIC West
  • Project on KEEP Platform
Project Website

9 Partners Participants