European Projects
artEUrope - what ties
artEUrope - what ties
Start date: Jul 1, 2010,
The aim of the project called: „artEUrope – what ties”: to contribute to the self-recognition of the young persons and to the reduction of the segregation, rassism by the intercultural processing of the topics, with a special look at the young people living in a disadvantageous cultural, lingual, social, mental and /or physical situationThe balance of the identity and the integration; the relation between the human being and his environment.The realisation of the aims happens with the methods that can be reached by the young, which are known by them and additionally they can make the reception possible of other knowledges: dance, a small group creating activity stirred in a group, culture, sport, talks, excursions, meetings, situation practices.The principal way of the realisation of the aims is the art, that rounds the young up as a “rope” and helps them along the common road. It gives the frameworks and the methods of the project-activity, in the non-formal learning process. The target groups of the project: young persons who face the idea of the European citizenry partly first.The project is a kind of opportunity to meet young persons from other countries, recognising their own and common troubles, their disadvantages, own and their common possibilities in the rising of their claim for the COUNSCIOUSNESS OF THE EUROPEAN CITIZENRY. We organize the program in Kunfehértó and Kiskunhalas, in Hungary, for 13 days. Participant countries: Spain, Bulgaria, Romania, Greece, Turkey, Hungary - altogether 60 persons.