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Start date: Jan 1, 2014,

Artability aims to develop good practices supporting people with disability in lifelong learning processes via artistic reproductions believing in capabilities of persons with disability in reversing mainstream educational discourses by means of respecting and utilising their personal experiences in life. Artability conceives targets defined in the European Disability Strategy 2010-2020 as milestones. In relation to that, the project comprises actions addressing the gap in the practice of rights essential to social inclusion, self empowerment and self reflection in which people with disability are challenged in partner countries Greece, Italy, Spain and Croatia. Artability's methodology asserts a bottom up approach challenging mainstream adult education strategies. The project mobilises the knowledge and experience via art interventions and reveal indeed people with disability are capable of telling stories of their own to the society.In achieving the aforementioned aims, Artability envisages to hold weekly art laboratories with 15 participants with disability for 18 months in each partner country. The themes of the art laboratories are chosen by participants to reflect upon their knowledge, inspiration and preferences. Participants will attend two workshops on art techniques and exhibition organisation acquiring and/or consolidating their skills that can be exploited beyond the lifetime of the project for re/entering education cycle or the job market. A number of participants will attend an international exchange in Italy which for the participants is an opportunity to overcome physical, economic and social barriers set by the society. In each partner country, final exhibitions comprising a selection of art products will be organised by people with disability themselves enhancing the participants social and professional skills and revealing to the respective societies their capabilities in management of an exhibition.
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2 Partners Participants