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Art's paths through Experience
Start date: Sep 1, 2016, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project "Arts paths through experience" promotes art as a path through experience promoting the study and acquisition of technical, cultural and creative knowledge of the participants.It is intended to develop skills and competences in a way that the participants can improve their productive and creative skills through actual experience that is born of a real market necessity. In addition to giving students a more authentic vision of their professional future, the experience will promote entrepreneurial awareness among participants. The benefits of continuous modern foreign languages training, facilitates the development of innovative practices and broadens the cultural horizon of the participants.With this project, participants gain new tools that will be useful at the time of its introduction on the job market. And more, through contact with other views of the same European reality, can enrich their professional and personal references, promoting equal opportunities and fostering a spirit of autonomy and responsibility.It is intended to identify, in each participating school, a set of requirements centred in arts education through actual experience, or approximate, of the job market. Therefore, in each area, participants will have the opportunity to meet with professionals and teachers with experience in the job market. The project also wants the recipients participate in practical dialogues on artistic experience of ex-students who have had the opportunity to go to practice the theoretical knowledge they have acquired during their training, and sharing the results of these conversations with their own educational community.Therefore, in accordance with the strategic plan (2011) the creative industries work also as catalysts for other economic activities in the area of media, information, sectors of culture, goods and services. The learning made during the project will be an asset in the improvement and enrichment of the school's faculty teams through the transfer of knowledge and also allow students a greater capacity and opportunity in the search or self-employment in the country of origin.The diversity of the involved groups (Jewellery, Textiles, Photography, Graphic Arts and Ceramics) is intended to cover the maximum of artistic production areas in order to obtain a multitude of transversal outcomes, so that they can be shared between, the much more, artistic fields our school.Once the project unfolds in three different countries subsequently enable an exchange of knowledge between groups of different areas on the artistic realities experienced in each involved country, culturally enriching the group of participants involved and subsequently the school community where they come from.Thus, considering that they are in a foreign country, enables the participants to exercise a foreign language that in the future will help the integration of an increasingly global community. There is also the added value of "know-how" with the accompanied execution and mediated activities and workshops, as well as the possibility of handling materials, instruments and professional tools.The required time for this internship is 5 days in the school staff and between two to three weeks distributed between January and March 2016, the School "Birmingham Metropolitan College" (UK), the School of Arts and Design Liepaja (Latvia), Arts school applied (Czech Republic), Jana Rozental Art School (Latvia) and Merida arts school (Spain).The project is designed to 18 students with level III training in the areas of Jewellery, Textile design, Photography, Graphic Arts and Ceramics and two teachers of Ceramics studies. With the project "Art's paths through experience" we intend to develop in participants, skills and competences in order to improve the productive and creative capacities through the enhancement of the experience. And also the opportunity to participate in an international experience to acquire new skills promoting motivation, creating growth opportunities and broadening horizons.It also aims to stimulate a common work in order to understand the importance of artistic creation through experience, leading to increased competitiveness in the job market.At the end of the exchange, each participant will receive a certificate of participation and the Europass mobility. Participants will be in charge of disseminating the results and experiences through presentations to the school community, reproduction workshops, exhibitions and pilot-experiences.The release also involves the sharing of content on websites/blogs and social networks on the Internet and in the local information media.

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