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Art Nouveau - Art Renouveau
Start date: Sep 1, 2014, End date: Aug 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Art Nouveau - Art Renouveau: a century ago a common artistic movement spread across Europe from the Atlantic to the Black Sea. This project will examine the Art Nouveau movement in its philosophical and historical context and will draw on its theories and extend them to make them relevant to today's young people. Beauty of function and design will be applied to the creative process and pupils will learn to use recycled materials and the natural form to produce an Art Renouveau house, reexamining the 'total' art style and applying it to the contemporary world. The project aims to improve young people's attainment in the areas of literacy, numeracy and science. Transversal skills will be fostered and emphasis will be placed on the development of digital skills, linguistic competence and entrepreneurship. Promoting creativity and the arts in a world which is driven by the material and the technological will add to the personal development of all participants. A major aim of the project is to contribute to the construction of Europe by bringing young people together to learn, collaborate and socialise together. There are six partner schools from Bulgaria, France, Germany, Romania, Slovenia and the UK (Scotland). Art Nouveau was an important movement in each country and pupils will observe common threads and local interpretations of the style. In each school, as many pupils as possible will be involved in the project through embedded activities. Teachers, parents, management and the local communities will all be involved. Each year a core group of pupils and staff in each school will follow the project more closely and will cascade to their peers after each Transnational Learning Activity. This core group will not necessarily be the same pupils each year; as pupils leave the schools, they will be replaced by younger ones. The participants come from a wide range of socio-economic backgrounds and from differing geographical locations. The activities include local and European research into the Art Nouveau movement; exploration of the natural within the local environment with the aim of designing new objects using recycled material drawing on influences in the natural world and thus respecting the theories of the Art Nouveau movement; the development of multi-lingual Town Trails to help young people to discover Art Nouveau in the local environment; enterprise activities which will encourage pupils to design, produce and market stock for school craft fairs; production of a short film in Paris based on Art Nouveau locations; an e-book to showcase results and an itinerant exhibition at the end of the project. The methodologies uses will be vary according to the activities. There will be some classroom based learning which will be teacher led. Participants will be expected to undertake individual research, which will be guided by staff. The creative elements of the project will be led by local experts in photography, stained-glass, wrought iron work, film. The hands-on elements of this will allow pupils to develop their creativity under the guidance of professionals and will give them an insight into the working environment of artists. Through blogs, Prezi and film, pupils will learn to work with digital technology and prepare output for a formal audience. By the end of the project, pupils will have a greater understanding of their common European cultural heritage. They will understand the importance of art and artistic movements in our common history. Through planning and organising TLAs, they will learn about events management and improve their employability. Fine motor skills will improve due to the manual dexterity needed to make objects for the Art Nouveau house. Participants will have improved their literacy skills in their own tongue and in other languages and their presentation skills should be better. These will all improve their chances of accessing higher education and the world of work. Through the exchange of teaching material, observing each other work and discussions of teaching practices in each country, teachers will have reflected on and improved their own practice. By uploading teaching plans and strategies for this project to the web, they will have shared good practice with the wider community. In the final year of the project, pupils will have the satisfaction of seeing the tangible results of their work over three years - an e-book, a film, an exhibition, a blog and website, Town Trails, Prezis, E-Twinning site, etc. Those who have taken part in TLAs will have started building their Europass portfolios. All participants should be more confident in working in a multilingual and international environment. This should result in a greater uptake in new international projects in schools and in greater mobility future students at European universities.

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