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ARRIVED Mobil - Erfahrungsaustausch für Ausbilder von Migranten und geflüchteten Menschen
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

The project “ARRIVED Mobil“ addresses professionals in vocational education and training (VETPRO) of the Berlin skilled crafts. It deals with an experience exchange on the vocational integration of refugees and migrants into the vocational education of skilled crafts within the framework of securing the supply of skilled labour. Within two flows, in each case over a four-day period, 30 Berlin VETPROs will pass an exchange to Barcelona (Spain) and Vienna (Austria). These are participants of different trades in Berlin where it is especially needed to prove innovative educational concepts in skilled crafts. They mainly come from businesses that either employ migrant and refugees or plan to offer them vocational education. Skilled crafts businesses, self-governing organisations of the economy, chambers, employers organisations and vocational education institutions will be visited. In the implementation, we will work closely together with our associate Berlin Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts. The hosting partners are the business school FEDA (Barcelona) and the Austrian Economic Chamber (Vienna).On the one hand, there is the current refugee situation in Europe and on the other hand there is a massive lack of skilled employees and a high level of unemployment among adolescents in many European countries. The Berlin skilled crafts has a high need for skilled employees and is interested in integrating refugees and migrants in vocational education. It offers good employment and career opportunities. Among the refugees coming to the EU, there are many young, motivated people with a different education background looking for vocational education and work opportunities.New strategies and concepts are necessary to fill vacancies in the skilled crafts, to better integrate refugees and migrants and to permanently bind qualified employees to skilled craft SMEs. Existing concepts for integrating migrants have to be reconsidered and expanded; vocational competences have to be developed. “ARRIVED Mobil” considers that these strategies have to be developed and implemented in a European framework.Within seminars and workshops, the project aims at strengthening the vocational competences of the participants for their vocational education practice regarding an improved vocational integration of refugees and migrants. Thus, the quality of the vocational education will be extended. The participants exchange experiences on innovative contents and methods, good practices, about advancing the intercultural dialogue as well as pedagogic and intercultural competences for their work. They get a deeper insight into the vocational education practice of the partner countries. The aim is to get to know good practice examples that were implemented by institutions in other countries, to transfer them and to further develop them with the European partners. Beside an internationalization push for the skilled crafts in Berlin, especially an enhancement of knowledge, skills and competences of the participants is expected: they obtain deeper knowledge on vocational education systems and practice as well as their application in the EU. By exchanging about strategies and good practices for a successful integration of refugees and migrants in the vocational education and working environment of skilled crafts, the participants are expected to expand their vocational competences and acquire impulses for their own vocational education and training practice. Furthermore, the pedagogic and intercultural competences of the participants should be enlarged in order to better respond to the needs of the apprentices with different origins. The participants bring in these competences to the development of new education concepts for coping with current challenges. Together with the BGZ and the Berlin Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts, the participants will analyse possibilities how they can transfer and further develop the good practice. The VETPROs will apply the knowledge, skills and competences directly in their daily vocational education practice. Thus, the quality and attractiveness of the vocational training in their institutions and the employability of skilled crafts businesses will be enhanced. As the VETPROs act as multipliers, they also make the knowledge available to their colleagues. The involved institutions in Spain and Austria will benefit in the same way from the exchange experience by integrating the knowledge and good practices in their own work. Furthermore, the increased internationalization of the vocational education institutions and businesses will lead to an increased willingness to pass the vocational education in other European countries and apprentices will be motivated to pass a stay abroad. BGZ and the Berlin Chamber of Small Business and Skilled Crafts support the transfer and the reproduction of the results via workshops and disseminations.
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