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Argonauts of Europe

The Argonauts in Ancient Greece were heroes on a quest to fi nd the Golden Fleece. In the same way, today’s European student teachers will have to learn important education and international competencies by going abroad. The quest for the Golden Fleece is a metaphor for something which is not tangible, but is rather a fl exible combination of knowledge, attitude and skills necessary in a truly multicultural Europe. The eight project partners in "Argonauts of Europe" developed and implemented a mobility framework and a course including teaching practice for foreign student teachers. Intercultural communication and the management of transnational educational projects were the main focus of this learning experience, which was supported by a web-based learning environment. In this way the project partners aimed to off er a tool for a better preparation of future teachers in managing European school projects like Comenius School Partnerships. They also developed a profi le of education staff able to work in the fi eld of European and international education. Within the lifetime of the project, the newly developed course was implemented in each partner institution combined with a period of intensive teaching practice at a foreign primary or secondary school. In total 120 student teachers participated in the courses. The project results were widely disseminated and closely matched the aims of the Comenius programme. They help to prepare young teachers for European cooperation in schools and strengthen the European Dimension in school education.

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