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Arbeitswelt Skandinavien entdecken
Start date: Jun 1, 2016, End date: May 31, 2018 PROJECT  FINISHED 

Goals and setting of the projectWe have been developing the international aim of our school for many years. This process includes teachers as well as our students. Currently we cooperate with educational institutions in France, the Czech Republic and Finland. We welcome student apprentices from abroad, collaborate at joint projects and send colleagues to internships abroad. Now we want to expand our variety of international activities. By offering our students internships in Finland we want to strengthen our international reputation and our network with educational institutions and companies across Europe.Furthermore, we want to strengthen our relationship with our German training companies. We will work closely with them during the projects.Our students expand their expertise far in excess of the curricular goals. Additionally, we want them to encourage their soft skills, esp. social skills. They improve teamwork, communication and conflict solving skills. If underage students join the project, German teachers take care of them all time on-site.Profile of participants / eligibility criteriaThe project will be implemented in several flows with a quite small number of participants. The reason for that is that the school in Finland can offer only a limited amount of internships matching the profile of our participants. We will send trainees in the second and third year of their apprenticeship at a communal administrative facility. They have at least a school-leaving certificate usually taken after the fifth year of secondary school and adequate language skills for an internship. According to their apprenticeship in Germany, they have been gaining work experience and are qualified for more than just back-work.A basic condition for participation is the students’ motivation and the approval of the training companies for the internship. The companies must release their trainees from work. If these conditions are met, our students write an appropriate letter of application in English language and discuss business topics with subject teachers and English teachers. If motivation and language skills are adequate, the documents are sent to our Finnish colleague. She passes them to potential Finnish internship companies. And they decide which applicant suits best and joins the Flow.ActivitiesBefore every Flow, we arrange organizational details with our partner school and train the participants at multiple information events. We explain our internationalization strategy as well as the projects goals and organizational details. We teach them about obligations e. g. to write reports, to evaluate the project. The participants obtain information about the target country and notes on intercultural differences. We also talk to training companies and parents and agree on an appointment for the internship. At the same time we determine chaperons for underage students and organize supply teachers.During the Flow, the participants work at the Finnish internship companies. In their spare time they join cultural activities. Finnish colleagues and optionally also the chaperon take care of them on-site. The internship companies evaluate the participants and share their results with us. The participants report about their experiences abroad weekly. We publish that on our website. We are contact persons for the German training companies and parents. We support the participants from Wuerzburg.After each Flow we reconsider the project with all participants. They and all teachers evaluate it and we analyse all reports. We discuss room for improvement with our Finnish colleague. We also release press statements. At the end of every flow we award participants Europassports.Results / Effects / Long-term benefitsThe participants develop a sense of European identity and prize intercultural differences. They campaign for a united Europe and at least peace.Participants enrich their professional, social and language skills. In addition to that the Europassport-Mobility strengthens their opportunities on the labor market. Our relationship to students and training companies improves as well as our international reputation. We boost our network activities across Europe and those of our partner school. In the long-term, we strengthen the business location Wuerzburg with highly qualified manpower.
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