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Arbeitskonzepte und Produktanwebdubng in europäischen Vergaleich
Start date: Jun 1, 2015, End date: May 31, 2017 PROJECT  FINISHED 

It is the second time for students of the field of geriatric care to have the opportunity to gather practical experience in other EU countries. The rather small size of the classes (ca. 16-18 students) does currently not allow for a larger amount of mobilities. For the field of occupational therapy it will be the first time to do an internship in another EU country. It is our intent – as a European School (Europaschule) – to offer European internships in all of our vocational courses. For us, this project aims at improving the quality of our vocational trainings and to show our students a Europe which offers interresting cultural as well as professional opportunities to them. The students who go abroad all have at least a middle school qualification (in German: Sekundarabschluss I) or the advanced middle school qualification (Erweiterter Sekundarabschluss I). The geriatric care flows have passed already half of their training (one and a half years) and have already gathered practical experience in at least one care facility (care home or home care) in their home country. The occupational therapy flows will be at the end of the first year of their professional training (which will last two further years). They are supposed to get a short further insight into the diverse work of an occupational therapist which they will have to present and evaluate in their classes back home. All of the students to be sent abroad shall get to know the work with clients in a foreign country, they shall learn to reduce fear of contact and shall find out how cultural conditions influence their work, the choice of methods of speaking to clients and the behaviour towards each other. They are supposed to get aquainted with concepts of work and to get to know and test the range of material and supplies used in the foreign country.The preparation will take place around four weeks in advance of the internship period. The project managers of the geriatric care and occupational therapy projects will prepare the flows for their internship with the help of a checklist and personal talks and instructions. During the internships both will be available for instruction and advice and keep contact to the students via e-mail. They will also support the students when they have to complete the online reports, their presentations for the school public and the evaluations with the receiving organizations. For the latter activities the members of the school team for international cooperation will also help and give support and advice. We think, a long-term benefit of this project will be the support and development of a positive attitude of our students towards an open, curious European citizen and a personality who is convinced of the necessity of lifelong learning.
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